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scap wikiversions-inuse and wikiversions-compile: Always use the staging directory
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Since T329857 was completed, using the staging directory is the only reasonable choice when running scap wikiversions-inuse and scap wikiversions-compile. Currently these tools require the --staging flag to use the staging directory.

To make these tools more friendly in train-dev (where there is not a symlink from /srv/mediawiki to /srv/mediawiki-staging like there is on the real deploy servers), make scap wikiversions-inuse and scap wikiversions-compile default to --staging mode.


TitleReferenceAuthorSource BranchDest Branch
Remove --staging flag from call to scap wikiversions-compilerepos/releng/train-dev!43dancymain-I5b3460e2ef9b987f21a67aee9276adfea500533amain
scap wikiversions-inuse and wikiversions-compile: Always use the staging directoryrepos/releng/scap!212dancymaster-I131de6cc1b9f732354e4de48fb60b79dc8438a7emaster
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Event Timeline

dancy opened

scap wikiversions-inuse: Always read wikiversions from the staging directory

dancy renamed this task from scap wikiversions-inuse: Always read wikiversions from the staging directory to scap wikiversions-inuse and wikiversions-compile: Always use the staging directory.Feb 15 2024, 7:15 PM
dancy triaged this task as Low priority.
dancy updated the task description. (Show Details)

thcipriani merged

scap wikiversions-inuse and wikiversions-compile: Always use the staging directory