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Icon added to anonymous editing warning message (by accident?)
Closed, DuplicatePublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

  • While logged out, go to an edit screen on Japanese Wiktionary or Japanese Wikipedia, and be asked to solve captcha. (You don't need to solve it to experience the issue - it's just that the same issue does not happen to me on sites that doesn't always require captcha, such as Commons.) Example:

What happens?:
The message box that contains the content of MediaWiki:Anoneditwarning includes a triangular icon from codex icons.

Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 14-38-24 「jipul」を編集中 - ウィクショナリー日本語版.png (118×117 px, 2 KB)
image.png (363×468 px, 56 KB)

What should have happened instead?:

Previously the triangular icon was not there.

Is this new styling introduced by accident? If so, it should be undone. If intended, a Tech News entry informing of the change would be helpful.

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):

Modules loaded:

    "user.options": "loading",
    "ext.wikiEditor.styles": "ready",
    "mediawiki.action.edit.styles": "ready",
    "mediawiki.editfont.styles": "ready",
    "mediawiki.interface.helpers.styles": "ready",
    "oojs-ui-core.styles": "ready",
    "oojs-ui.styles.indicators": "ready",
    "mediawiki.widgets.styles": "ready",
    "oojs-ui-core.icons": "ready",
    "codex-styles": "ready",
    "ext.confirmEdit.fancyCaptcha.styles": "ready",
    "skins.vector.styles.legacy": "ready",
    "ext.charinsert.styles": "ready",
    "ext.visualEditor.desktopArticleTarget.noscript": "ready",
    "codex-search-styles": "ready",
    "ext.uls.interlanguage": "ready",
    "ext.wikimediaBadges": "ready"

I also noticed something else that might or might not be related. On sites where this does not happen, such as Meta, the triangular icon appears when I click the text area.
I'm happy to report it separately, if unrelated.

Event Timeline

The message is anoneditwarning, and the icon (and styling) was last updated a year ago, by 0be2bdd9c7742d2d5825d8e86f84fafbbbacc112, which changed the mw-message-box-warning code to add the Codex icon. I'm not sure that this has changed more recently?

CCiufo-WMF subscribed.

Yeah I don't think this is recent -- maybe it hadn't been noticed before.

I also noticed something else that might or might not be related. On sites where this does not happen, such as Meta, the triangular icon appears when I click the text area.
I'm happy to report it separately, if unrelated.

This is caused by T350069. It should be resolved soon once T349423 is wrapped up, specifically subtasks of T356675.

@Jdlrobson do you have any idea what might have happened here?