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InternetArchiveBot misses some dead URLs on (another) page
Closed, InvalidPublic


Affected wiki(s):

Diff(s) (if applicable):

What is happening?:
The bot rescues one dead link, but misses the Mashable link which has a 404 error:

What should happen instead?:
I think the bot should have been able to rescue the Mashable link. IA have archived it:

List of steps to reproduce (step by step, including full links if applicable):
Queue bot run on the Ghostery article on en.wikipedia

Other information:
Format of this report was based on a similar recent report:

I guess this one will be closed / marked as duplicate, but it wouldn't hurt to have a second example.

Event Timeline

Harej subscribed.

There is a minimum waiting period before the bot conclusively determines the link is dead, and that period has not passed yet.