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Resolving some problems of Arabic to Latin converter in Kurdish Wiktionary (ku)
Open, Needs TriagePublicFeature


Feature summary:

The default text state in the Kurdish Wiktionary is by Latin script,
but you can click the Arabic variant tab to see the same text in Arabic script.

There are some problems in converted text that are described in this test page:êner:Fardin.sanandaj/test

Use case(s):

Some parts of codes of converter program should be altered according to description in this test page:êner:Fardin.sanandaj/test


Many users are not familiar with the Latin script because they use Arabic script in their countries.
Solving these problems would make the texts more readable and resolve grammatical mistakes.

Event Timeline

Winston_Sung renamed this task from resolving some problems of arabic to latin form converter program in kurdish wictionary to Resolving some problems of Arabic to Latin converter in Kurdish Wiktionary (ku).Mar 10 2024, 1:22 PM
Winston_Sung updated the task description. (Show Details)
Winston_Sung moved this task from Untriaged to Script & term conversion on the I18n board.