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SystemdUnitFailed - gitlab1004 - backup-restore
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Common information

  • alertname: SystemdUnitFailed
  • instance: gitlab1004:9100
  • name: backup-restore.service
  • prometheus: ops
  • severity: critical
  • site: eqiad
  • source: prometheus
  • team: collaboration-services

Firing alerts

Event Timeline

eoghan renamed this task from SystemdUnitFailed to SystemdUnitFailed - gitlab1004 - backup-restore.Mar 25 2024, 4:36 PM
eoghan claimed this task.
eoghan moved this task from Incoming to Work in Progress on the collaboration-services board.
eoghan subscribed.

This was related to the switchover between gitlab-replica and gitlab-replica-old. I've made improvements to the cookbook to leave a rollback in a better position.