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Check home/HDFS leftovers of migr
Open, LowPublic


The access for Michael Große (migr) was removed. It needs to be checked if data was left in home dirs on stat*/HDFS since they were part of the "analytics-privatedata-users" group.

The Kerberos principal has already been removed.

Event Timeline

Gehel triaged this task as Low priority.Apr 2 2024, 2:54 PM

I can see the following files on stat1008:

brouberol@stat1008:/home/migr$ ls
airflow  airflow-dags  refinery  reliabilityMetricsLogs.txt  results

The first 3 directories are simply project git clones, but results contain a log file:

brouberol@stat1008:/home/migr$ find results/

HDFS is empty.