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Growth team swag - 2024
Open, LowPublic


User story & summary:

As Growth Program Manager, I want a design for Growth Team swag, so new team members and volunteers can receive team swag.


Team swag is meant for Growth team members and community members who have helped with Growth team work.

We will use

Ideally, it will be great to have two or three swag options so we can allow folks to choose what they prefer.

Acceptance Criteria:
  • Create a t-shirt design that incorporates "Wikimedia Foundation" and "Growth Team" in some way.
  • Create a Zip Hoodie design that incorporates "Wikimedia Foundation" and "Growth Team" in some way.
  • Ensure the design is different from previous designs
  • [Nice to have] Create a long-sleeve t-shirt design, hat, or other accessory design.

Event Timeline

KStoller-WMF moved this task from Inbox to Up Next on the Growth-Team board.

I've created an account we can use for this process and shared the credentials on Slack on a shared DM.