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[S] Image recommendations - API improvements
Closed, ResolvedPublic


  1. Because the image recommendations call takes a while, we should ensure we are only fetching them if we already know the user qualifies (logged in, 50+ edits, not blocked). This will make the app more efficient and reduce server load. Currently we are making the image recommendations call for everyone, but hiding the card if they don't qualify.
  2. Sometimes image recommendations returned actually do have an article image. We should filter out recommendations against the pageimages MediaWiki API property to confirm there is no existing image for that article. (Background:

Testing Notes

Please regression test Explore feed suggested edits card appearance, and confirm there are no image suggestions for articles that already have an image.

Event Timeline

Tsevener renamed this task from Image recommendations - API improvements to [S] Image recommendations - API improvements.May 1 2024, 9:56 PM
Tsevener updated the task description. (Show Details)
HNordeenWMF claimed this task.
HNordeenWMF changed the task status from Unknown Status to Resolved.May 7 2024, 10:17 PM