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File uploads limited by PHP to 2M while MediaWiki default is 100M
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently the MediaWiki default for $wgMaxUploadSize is 100M, but in effect our Wikibase image limits to 1M uploads. The reason for this is the PHP setup in our Wikibase image defaults to 2M uploads limit, and our the Nginx reverse proxy above that has a default limit of 1M.

There are several solutions to this issue, a couple of those options are outlined below:

  1. Both of these intermediate layers can be set to match the 100M limit of MediaWiki, but doing so requires adding an external .conf file to nginx-proxy in a location like example/config/nginx-proxy.conf, and either updating the Wikibase image or also mapping a PHP ini file with the updated settings there (e.g. example/config/wikibase-php.ini).
  1. We add a $wgMaxUploadSize=1M to the LocalSettings.php file which the Wikibase image generates to match what the upper layers are supporting, and add a comment to guide the user with a note that the PHP and nginx-proxy limit also needs to be increased if this value is changed.

Event Timeline

lojo_wmde changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Thu, May 16, 7:51 AM
lojo_wmde claimed this task.
lojo_wmde moved this task from Inbox to Sprint-∞ on the Wikibase Suite Team board.
lojo_wmde moved this task from To do to Doing on the Wikibase Suite Team (Sprint-∞) board.

This branch also makes file uploads and https on by default, as well as moves from nginx-proxy to Traefik (to remove one extra layer of file upload limit configuration).