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Make it easy to modify which thumbnails are included in the viewer
Closed, ResolvedPublic


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As a wiki administrator, I can filter out maintenance thumbnails so that readers are not annoyed by them.

When clicking on thumbnails or using prev/next, non-content images such as problem template icons should be excluded from MediaViewer.

#229 fixed this issue for enwiki, but other wikis might have different syntax, and local admins should be able to fix this for their wiki.

Acceptance Criteria

  • There is an easy way (defining a function with a given name, subscribing to an event etc) for wiki admins to block certain images from appearing in MediaViewer.

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Event Timeline

MingleTerminator raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Dec 8 2014, 4:51 PM
Tgr claimed this task.

Done long time ago via metadata or noviewer class.