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Create project for AutoWikiBrowser
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hey. Can someone please create a project for AutoWikiBrowser?

Project is

I'm eventually wanting to migrate and into phabricator. But having some way of people being able to at least put some requests here would be ace for triage and such. A wikipage just isn't manageable...

Event Timeline

Reedy raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Reedy updated the task description. (Show Details)
Reedy added a project: Project-Admins.
Reedy added subscribers: Reedy, Magioladitis.

Are there maintainers? If yes, did they express to use Phabricator?
(In general I welcome waiting 24h before going ahead and creating projects.)

@Reedy: Where is the task tracking the creation of an AutoWikiBrowser project in Phabricator? Where is the wikipage of that project (this task is not even actionable for others, no links at all)? Where is the buy-in of its maintainers documented to use Phabricator? See docs.

I'm technically the lead developer of AutoWikiBrowser (and have been a developer on the project for 7 or 8 years). I spent yesterday building up support inside of AWB for logging bugs to Phabricator (among other commits)