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picture sizes
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When editing a page with pictures upright=1.5 a new picture has in VE same size. After saving new picture gets not "upright=1.5" option in source and is smaller.

Event Timeline

Conny raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Conny updated the task description. (Show Details)
Conny added a project: VisualEditor.
Conny subscribed.

So you open a page that has upright=1.5 in its wikitext source, and then edit that page with VisualEditor, and after saving in VisualEditor the upright parameter is deleted? (In general, a list of steps is welcome and makes it easier for others to reproduce).

Any example edit where this happened and that you could link to?

Page has two pictures with upright=1.5 allready. Want to add [1] a third one and than as mentioned. In the VE after adding before saving all pictures have same size.
