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Remove Billinghurst from list moderator of wikitech-ambassadors
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I have requested of the list administrator of wikitech-ambassadors to remove me as a moderator and not received any response (requested using the -owner address and directly.) Please remove me from the list moderator role AND please remind the list administrator of their role and the importance of this function being undertaken properly. It is not first in a series of mail that has gone untended in the past month.

Event Timeline

Billinghurst raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Billinghurst updated the task description. (Show Details)
Billinghurst subscribed.

please remind the list administrator

Who do you address in your request? says that it's run by @Az1568.

There is an address at
and I used the -owner address

It was previously managed by Guillaume and has changed with changes internally within WMF, though the moderators recruited by Guillaume know nothing officially.

Az1568 triaged this task as Medium priority.
Az1568 set Security to None.

I've removed you from the role and reset the password for the list. Due to the large volume of mail that alias receives, it goes into a separate list administration filter in my inbox which caused me to miss your initial email.

It's best to email me directly, or ping me on IRC for anything that requires urgent handling. Thanks!