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Frequency of message key renames
Open, MediumPublic


I see that message keys get renamed in the Wikipedia iOS app almost on a daily basis. Is there some mass renaming plan ongoing, or is this just a permanent habit/need specific to this repository? Most Wikimedia repositories follow .

Event Timeline

JMinor triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 16 2017, 8:21 PM
JMinor added a subscriber: Mhurd.

Hey @Nemo_bis apologies we had some churn on those preference and page protection keys - we've added a test so all future keys conform to our naming convention so hopefully we won't do any more bulk renames in the future.

@Nemo_bis and thx for the documentation link too! We'll go over that and see what else we can improve...

@Mazevedo Here's an example old ticket which may or may not be relevant any more. :)