Page MenuHomePhabricator should provides option to choose level for protect
Closed, InvalidPublicFeature

Description is script for protecting pages onwiki en-masse.

Currently it protects pages only with level in which only admins can edit/move page. I think to it should have option to choose level for protection instead of default protecting pages with only-administrator.

Event Timeline

Xqt triaged this task as Low priority.May 5 2019, 5:47 AM
Xqt changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Feature Request".

I think this request is invalid because it already supports those parameters (they existed before the task was created, as they are mentioned in rPWBCac834c998a from 2014)

-unprotect        Acts like "default:all"

-default:         Sets the default protection level (default 'sysop'). If no
                  level is defined it doesn't change unspecified levels.

-[type]:[level]   Set [type] protection level to [level]

Usual values for [level] are: sysop, autoconfirmed, all; further levels may be
provided by some wikis.

For all protection types (edit, move, etc.) it chooses the default protection
level. This is "sysop" or "all" if -unprotect was selected. If multiple
parameters -unprotect or -default are used, only the last occurrence
is applied.
Xqt subscribed.

as noted above.