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New video player does not leave enough space in gallery
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In this section, I added a video:

If I'm not activating the new videoplayer, it looks like this:

grafik.png (478×752 px, 426 KB)

If I'm activating it, it looks like this:

grafik.png (447×670 px, 386 KB)

As you can see in the second screenshot there is no space between the video, and the foto on the right. This should not happen.

Event Timeline

Can't reproduce in Chrome, but can in Firefox. Something seems wonky with the gallery layout in Firefox specifically.

Looks like there's two things going on:

  1. the video preview doesn't resize to fit the gallery container (it's an actual <video> with a poster image under the lid, not an <img>, so styles might not be applying to it that need to be); this usually adds extra space around the image
  2. in Firefox, the video sometimes overflows the available space, causing insufficient space around the image as in the screenshot

Fixing 1) should fix 2) as a side effect, I think.

brooke renamed this task from New video player does not leave enough space to New video player does not leave enough space in gallery.Apr 2 2020, 6:14 PM
brooke moved this task from Backlog to Bugs on the VideoJS player board.

Cant reproduse it in new Firefox. Is the problem still there?

TheDJ claimed this task.
TheDJ subscribed.

This was fixed when we switched from full inline players back to img+playbutton opening a media player dialog.