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Request increased quota for tool-deno Toolforge tool
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Tool Name: deno
Type of quota increase requested: services
Reason: Needed for running the tool deno. That is working like a proxy for third-party modules, so tools running Deno don't exposing the tools to direct interaction with 3rd party hosting and potential tracking. I would like to request two services quota, that will be used for github and

$ kubectl describe quota
Name:                   tool-deno
Namespace:              tool-deno
Resource                Used   Hard
--------                ----   ----
configmaps              1      10
limits.cpu              500m   2
limits.memory           512Mi  8Gi
persistentvolumeclaims  0      3
pods                    1      4
replicationcontrollers  0      1
requests.cpu            150m   2
requests.memory         256Mi  6Gi
secrets                 1      10
services                1      1
services.nodeports      0      0

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