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Cloud VPS "rcm" project Stretch deprecation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The end of life of Debian Stretch is approaching in 2022 and we need to move to Debian Bullseye (or Buster) before that date.

All instances in the rcm project need to upgrade as soon as possible. Instances not upgraded by 2022-05-01 may be subject to deletion unless prior arrangements for an extended deadline has been approved by the Cloud VPS administration team.

Remaining Debian Stretch instances (live report):

Listed administrators are:

See also:

More info on current project instances is available via openstack browser.


Due Date
Apr 30 2022, 11:59 PM

Event Timeline

StrikerBot triaged this task as Medium priority.Apr 13 2022, 4:59 PM
StrikerBot created this task.
Zabe changed the edit policy from "Custom Policy" to "All Users".Apr 13 2022, 5:30 PM

beryllium and vandaium are deleted, oxygen is upgraded (according to hostnamectl), but not yet visible in horizon/live report. Still working on neon.

Hi @komla , can we make an exception for neon for some days? I need to safe some data, but the sudo access broke, so I currently can't access the data. At oxygen I did an in-place upgrade.

Andrew subscribed.

@Luke081515 I see that you've upgraded both of these VMs in place. I'm still a bit worried that they'll get caught in a sweep (since they /appear/ to be running Stretch anyway) but in theory this is adequate fix.