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Slow response time from sparql endpoint with multiple queries
Open, Needs TriagePublic


In a Scholia-like fashion (see, e.g.,, I am issuing multiple SPARQL queries against a endpoint in parallel. I am experiencing a slow response. With fives queries I get a response time of over 10 seconds. The wiki currently have below 800 items. From the Firefox network debugging it seems that none of the queries return before all are complete, i.e., all queries will take over 10 seconds. Individually the queries usually take below 3 seconds. I am trying to understand why this is happening and if I can do something about it.

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Hi! Thanks for the report. This doesn't sound that surprising to me but perhaps not ideal. Have you got a list of the 5 queries you do?

Hey @Fnielsen , thanks for sharing further info and @Tarrow thanks for following up.
At the moment we recommend to continue querying sequentially rather than multiple at the same time, to achieve the overview result you're looking for with scholia. This is indeed a feature request as hinted to in the user group meeting, so I will park this for now, to further review in the future together with the other requests that need to be prioritized.