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DB ERROR : QUERY: CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS s51059__cyberbot on IABot Management Interface
Closed, ResolvedPublic


when visiting the IABot Management Interface, the following database error appears:

DB ERROR : QUERY: CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS s51059__cyberbot; ERROR - : Error encountered while creating the database. Exiting...

Event Timeline

Nintendofan885 renamed this task from DB ERROR : QUERY: CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS s51059__cyberbot on InternetArchiveBot interface to DB ERROR : QUERY: CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS s51059__cyberbot on InternetArchiveBot Management Interface.Oct 24 2022, 4:16 PM
Nintendofan885 updated the task description. (Show Details)
Nintendofan885 renamed this task from DB ERROR : QUERY: CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS s51059__cyberbot on InternetArchiveBot Management Interface to DB ERROR : QUERY: CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS s51059__cyberbot on IABot Management Interface.Oct 24 2022, 4:19 PM
Nintendofan885 updated the task description. (Show Details)

the interface seems to be back