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"Powered by" image in footer is somewhat hard to read in dark theme
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chrome_P4KBKehD7K.png (93×200 px, 2 KB)

XTools version: 3.16.1-f25ab303

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oh yeah. I thought about doing a pull request a couple of months to make it appear white on dark mode but didn't know how to implement it

Yeah I was thinking about just using a CSS filter: invert(1) but it's all one image, meaning it'd invert the logo too, not just the text.

MusikAnimal triaged this task as Medium priority.Apr 5 2023, 3:14 AM
MusikAnimal added a project: SVG.
MusikAnimal moved this task from Backlog to General / other on the XTools board.
MusikAnimal subscribed.

It really bothers me, too! We need an image with white font. I'm not too good at editing SVGs or else this would have been done a long time ago. I actually tried editing it manually, finding the fill:#000000 property but changing that didn't seem to have any effect :/ I think it might be the font that's being used, or something.

A pull request would be much appreciated :) I've added SVG to this task in hopes it will grab the attention of someone willing and able to do work.

The original logo (which isn't on Commons for some reason) is at