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"mediawiki get-code" Default 'No' to cloning repos asks for gerrit username and logs "Cloning repositories... Repositories cloned."
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Not sure if this is the expected behaviour but the logging on choosing not to clone is misleading

wmf3158:wmf-dev username$ mw docker mediawiki get-code
? MediaWiki code not detected in /Users/username/git/gerrit/mediawiki/core. Do you want to clone it now? (Negative answers will abort this command) No
? Vector skin is not detected in /Users/username/git/gerrit/mediawiki/core. Do you want to clone it now? No
If you want to clone more skins and extensions please use the --skin and --extension options...
? How do you want to interact with Gerrit for the cloned repositores? ssh
? What is your Gerrit username? **gerrit_user**
Cloning repositories...
Repositories cloned.


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