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[WtC-M2] Adapt MSMF's layout to Codex's grid system
Closed, ResolvedPublic5 Estimated Story Points



The Mismatch finder tool was originally designed following WiKit's grid system. With the creation of Codex, a new set of standard grids were introduced and, with them, some differences in spacing and margins that we now need to resolve.


In both the home and the results views of the Mismatch finder, we'll need to (please see specs for details):

  • Apply new max-width values to paragraphs and page content
  • Adjust the right page (and header and footer) margins according to each breakpoint
  • (Improvement) Ensure that titles that are adjacent to buttons wrap to preserve a minimum gap between said elements

Please note that all specs indicate needed changes exclusively.

Acceptance criteria
  • The Mismatch Finder's layout is adjusted to follow the new Codex grid system

Event Timeline

Sarai-WMDE renamed this task from [WtC-M2] Adapt MSMF's layout to Codex's grid system and breakpoints to [SW] [WtC-M2] Adapt MSMF's layout to Codex's grid system and breakpoints.Oct 23 2023, 4:05 PM

Task Breakdown Notes

  • To make sure we understand correctly, we won't update table's breakpoint, because it will be updated in a different task T348271, is it correct @Sarai-WMDE ?
  • We need some clarification regarding which tokens are part of the scope of this task. For example; it is not completely clear if Dimensions/Spacing section is part of this task or T348732. May we please have a clear division between the tasks? @Sarai-WMDE
  • To make sure we understand correctly, we won't update table's breakpoint, because it will be updated in a different task T348271, is it correct @Sarai-WMDE ?


  • We need some clarification regarding which tokens are part of the scope of this task. For example; it is not completely clear if Dimensions/Spacing section is part of this task or T348732. May we please have a clear division between the tasks? @Sarai-WMDE

My bad, I thought the division was clear:

Sarai-WMDE renamed this task from [SW] [WtC-M2] Adapt MSMF's layout to Codex's grid system and breakpoints to [SW] [WtC-M2] Adapt MSMF's layout to Codex's grid system.Nov 29 2023, 3:09 PM
Sarai-WMDE updated the task description. (Show Details)
ItamarWMDE renamed this task from [SW] [WtC-M2] Adapt MSMF's layout to Codex's grid system to [WtC-M2] Adapt MSMF's layout to Codex's grid system.Dec 14 2023, 11:31 AM

Sprint Planning: review status. if still stalled, move back to stalled

This looks great! I only found a couple of small things to fix:

  1. Footer padding: The horizontal padding of the Footer is not matching the specs/ aligned with the page margins (it remains 24px above the 1120px breakpoint, it becomes 16px below 720px instead of 640px)
  2. Heading wrapping: Even if a gap has been implemented between the headings and their adjacent buttons, the buttons still don't take the space that is made available for then when the titles wrap (they display ellipsis even if there's enough room for them). I believe there's an easy fix for this: we just need to target these buttons and apply`flex-shrink: 0;` to them (see clarifying screenshots below).
Current state in stagingWith flex-shrink 0
Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 20.30.56.png (438×882 px, 68 KB)
Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 20.31.42.png (430×878 px, 68 KB)
There's enough space for the button, but it still displays ellipsis.The button takes the available space

Thanks for the fixes! :) All done now