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Certain characters in usernames cause the space before them to encode to   in MobileFrontEnd 'no user page' messages
Open, MediumPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue:

Go to the link for a user with an exclamation mark in their name but doesn't have a user page on the mobile site (e.g.!!!!)

What happens?:
Displays No user page for !!!! and This page should be created and edited by !!!! (hopefully Phabricator doesn't try to fix the display)!!!!?uselang=qqx suggests it's an issue with the value the message uses rather than the message itself

It also seems to happen with question marks, semicolons and percent signs (e.g."ordinary"_%3F)

What should have happened instead?:
Spaces should not be encoded

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):
Chrome 122.0.6261.105

Event Timeline

Nintendofan885 renamed this task from Usernames that have certain characters cause the space before to encode to   in MobileFrontEnd 'no user page' messages to Certain characters in usernames cause the space before then to encode to   in MobileFrontEnd 'no user page' messages.Mar 15 2024, 2:38 PM
Nintendofan885 renamed this task from Certain characters in usernames cause the space before then to encode to   in MobileFrontEnd 'no user page' messages to Certain characters in usernames cause the space before them to encode to   in MobileFrontEnd 'no user page' messages.
ovasileva triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 19 2024, 1:54 PM
ovasileva moved this task from Incoming to Current Fiscal Year on the Web-Team-Backlog board.