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New translations from Norwegian Wikipedia (nowiki) are not connected to Wikidata
Open, HighPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

  1. Translate and publish an article from Norwegian Wikipedia.

What happens?:
The new page is not automatically connected via Wikidata.

What should have happened instead?:
The new page is automatically connected via Wikidata.

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):

Original report:
The user translated some Norwegian articles, but they all had to be connected manually (example).

See also: T133719: Content translation sometimes fails to add a sitelink for new articles

Event Timeline

More evidence: there is no recent connection to nowiki in Wikidata.

MariaDB [wikidatawiki_p]> SELECT rc_timestamp, rc_title, comment_text FROM recentchanges JOIN actor_recentchanges ON actor_id = rc_actor JOIN comment_recentchanges ON comment_id = rc_comment_id WHERE rc_type = 0 AND rc_bot = 0 AND rc_namespace = 0 AND rc_patrolled IN (0,1,2) AND rc_new = 0 AND actor_user IS NOT NULL AND comment_text LIKE '%wblinktitles-connect%' AND comment_text LIKE '%nowiki:%';
Empty set (2 min 22.612 sec)

My hypothesis is the bug could be related to the "no vs. nb" disparity.