10:59 AM <jdlrobson> so issue Krinkle i'm seeing is that window.mw is not defined (because async) at bottom of page so if(window.mw){ mw.loader.load(["mediawik doesn't run
11:00 AM — •Krinkle is typing
11:00 AM <•Krinkle> jdlrobson: The project changes the load stack to be fully asynchronous. For the most part this has been the case already (the bottom queue has always been async).
11:00 AM <jdlrobson> sure.. i'm just saying there is an issue with cached html
11:00 AM <jdlrobson> which is incompatible from what i can see.
11:01 AM <•Krinkle> jdlrobson: The remaining part was the startup module (<script src=..modules=startup>) and the base modules request created by the startup module (modules=jquery|mediawiki)
11:01 AM <•Krinkle> jdlrobson: For backwards compatibility, we first change the inline scripts to use a queue. RLQ.
11:01 AM <•Krinkle> That has gone out last week a bit, and will roll out further this week.
11:02 AM <•Krinkle> Without async, that queue will act effectively the same as if(window.mw) because RLQ will have been initialised already at that point.
11:02 AM <•Krinkle> as is currently the case on testwiki and mw.org
11:02 AM <•Krinkle> and will roll out further
11:02 AM <•Krinkle> it'll have had two weeks to roll out by next week. And then we flip the switch to make the stack async.
New messages
11:04 AM <jdlrobson> so you are saying we are rolling this out so cached html will be up to date?
11:04 AM <jdlrobson> also RLQ = resource loader queue?
11:04 AM <•Krinkle> Yes
11:04 AM <jdlrobson> okay that's all i wanted to check. Thank you. I will purge the problematic pages on beta labs.