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Masterwork From Distant Lands

Authored by Frankiebot on Jul 29 2015, 10:00 PM.
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F284598: Masterwork From Distant Lands
Jul 29 2015, 10:00 PM
@chrome @firefox @login @vagrant
Feature: Page diff
@smoke @editing @integration
Scenario: Added and removed content # features/diff.feature:5
Given I am logged into the mobile website # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:29
And the page "Selenium diff test" has the following edits: # features/step_definitions/editor_steps.rb:1
| text |
When I am on the "Selenium diff test" page # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:47
And I click on the history link in the last modified bar # features/step_definitions/common_article_steps.rb:20
And I open the latest diff # features/step_definitions/special_history_steps.rb:5
Then I should see "GHI" as added content # features/step_definitions/diff_steps.rb:1
And I should see "DEF" as removed content # features/step_definitions/diff_steps.rb:5
@chrome @firefox @login @vagrant
Feature: Wikitext Editor
Background: # features/editor_wikitext_nosave.feature:4
Given I am logged into the mobile website # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:29
And I am on a page that does not exist # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:34
And I click the edit button # features/step_definitions/editor_steps.rb:10
And I see the wikitext editor overlay # features/step_definitions/editor_steps.rb:34
@smoke @integration
Scenario: Closing editor (overlay button) # features/editor_wikitext_nosave.feature:11
When I click the wikitext editor overlay close button # features/step_definitions/editor_steps.rb:26
Then I should not see the wikitext editor overlay # features/step_definitions/editor_steps.rb:46
@chrome @firefox @login
Feature: Wikitext Editor (Makes actual saves)
Background: # features/editor_wikitext_saving.feature:4
Given I am logged into the mobile website # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:29
@smoke @editing @integration
Scenario: Successful edit on page without languages shows no language button [bug 63675] # features/editor_wikitext_saving.feature:8
Given the page "Selenium no languages test page" exists # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:50
When I click the edit button # features/step_definitions/editor_steps.rb:10
And I see the wikitext editor overlay # features/step_definitions/editor_steps.rb:34
And I type "ABC GHI" into the editor # features/step_definitions/editor_steps.rb:38
And I click continue # features/step_definitions/common_article_steps.rb:1
And I click submit # features/step_definitions/common_article_steps.rb:5
Then I should see a toast notification # features/step_definitions/common_article_steps.rb:36
And the text of the first heading should be "Selenium no languages test page" # features/step_definitions/common_article_steps.rb:52
And I should not see the read in another language button # features/step_definitions/editor_steps.rb:42
# FIXME: this assumes that the main page has more than one language
@chrome @firefox
Feature: Language selection
Background: # features/language.feature:5
Given I am using the mobile site # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:53
And I go to a page that has languages # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:63
When I click the language button # features/step_definitions/language_steps.rb:1
And I see the language overlay # features/step_definitions/language_steps.rb:9
timed out after 5 seconds, waiting for {:css=>".language-overlay", :tag_name=>"div"} to become present (Watir::Wait::TimeoutError)
./features/step_definitions/language_steps.rb:10:in `/^I see the language overlay$/'
features/language.feature:9:in `And I see the language overlay'
Scenario: Closing language overlay (overlay button) # features/language.feature:12
When I click the language overlay close button # features/step_definitions/language_steps.rb:5
Then I should not see the languages overlay # features/step_definitions/language_steps.rb:13
@chrome @firefox @vagrant
Feature: Menus open correct page for anonymous users
Background: # features/mainmenu.feature:4
Given I am using the mobile site # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:53
And I am on the "Main Page" page # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:47
@smoke @integration
Scenario: Check links in menu # features/mainmenu.feature:9
When I click on the main navigation button # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:1
Then I should see a link to the disclaimer # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:22
And I should see a link to the about page # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:18
And I should see a link to "Home" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:10
And I should see a link to "Random" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:10
And I should see a link to "Settings" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:10
And I should see a link to "Watchlist" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:10
And I should see a link to "Log in" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:10
@custom-browser @firefox
Feature: Basic site for legacy devices
Background: # features/no_javascript_site.feature:4
Given my browser doesn't support JavaScript # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:77
And I am using the mobile site # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:53
And I am on the "Main Page" page # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:47
# FIXME: Check that the edit button is invisible
# FIXME: Check that the upload button is invisible
Scenario: Able to access left navigation in basic non-JavaScript site # features/no_javascript_site.feature:17
When I click on "Random" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:5
And I click on the main navigation button # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:1
Then I should see a link to "Home" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:10
And I should see a link to "Random" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:10
And I should see a link to "Settings" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:10
And I should not see a link to "Watchlist" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:14
And I should not see a link to "Log in" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:14
And I should not see a link to "Uploads" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:14
Scenario: Search with JavaScript disabled # features/no_javascript_site.feature:34
Given the page "Selenium search test" exists # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:50
When I type into search box "Test is used by Selenium web driver" # features/step_definitions/search_steps.rb:42
And I click the search button # features/step_definitions/search_steps.rb:14
Then I should see a list of search results # features/step_definitions/search_steps.rb:57
@chrome @extension-echo @firefox @login @vagrant
Feature: Notification
Background: # features/notification.feature:4
Given I am logged into the mobile website # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:29
And I have no notifications # features/step_definitions/notification_steps.rb:15
When I click on the notification icon # features/step_definitions/notification_steps.rb:1
And the notifications overlay appears # features/step_definitions/notification_steps.rb:26
Scenario: Opening notifications # features/notification.feature:11
Then I should see the notifications overlay # features/step_definitions/notification_steps.rb:35
Skipped feature due to missing wiki extensions: echo
@chrome @firefox @vagrant
Feature: Search
Background: # features/search.feature:4
Given I am using the mobile site # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:53
And the page "Selenium search test" exists # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:50
And I am on the "Main Page" page # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:47
When I click the placeholder search box # features/step_definitions/search_steps.rb:5
Scenario: Search for partial text # features/search.feature:19
When I type into search box "Selenium search tes" # features/step_definitions/search_steps.rb:42
Then search results should contain "Selenium search test" # features/step_definitions/search_steps.rb:71
@custom-browser @firefox
Feature: Basic history page for legacy devices
Background: # features/special_history_nojs.feature:4
Given my browser doesn't support JavaScript # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:77
And I am using the mobile site # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:53
And the page "Selenium diff test" exists and has at least "51" edits # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:77
And I am on the "Selenium diff test" page # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:47
When I click on the history link in the last modified bar # features/step_definitions/common_article_steps.rb:20
Scenario: Check more button exists # features/special_history_nojs.feature:12
Then I should see a more button # features/step_definitions/special_history_steps.rb:9
@chrome @firefox @login @vagrant
Feature: Manage Watchlist
Background: # features/special_watchlist.feature:4
Given I am logged into the mobile website # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:29
And I have recently edited pages on my watchlist # features/step_definitions/special_watchlist_steps.rb:1
And I am on the "Special:Watchlist" page # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:47
Scenario: Switching to Feed view # features/special_watchlist.feature:10
When I switch to the modified view of the watchlist # features/step_definitions/special_watchlist_steps.rb:18
And I click the Pages tab # features/step_definitions/special_watchlist_steps.rb:10
And the Pages tab is selected # features/step_definitions/special_watchlist_steps.rb:6
Then I should see a list of diff summary links # features/step_definitions/special_watchlist_steps.rb:22
And the modified button should be selected # features/step_definitions/special_watchlist_steps.rb:34
@chrome @firefox @login @vagrant
Feature: Talk
Background: # features/talk.feature:4
Given I am using the mobile site # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:53
Scenario: Talk doesn't show on talk pages # features/talk.feature:8
Given the page "Talk:Selenium talk test" exists # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:50
And I am logged in as a user with a > 5 edit count # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:21
And I am on the "Talk:Selenium talk test" page # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:47
Then there should be no talk button # features/step_definitions/talk_steps.rb:13
Scenario: Add discussion on talk page possible as logged in user # features/talk.feature:28
Given the page "Talk:Selenium talk test" exists # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:50
And I am logged in as a user with a > 5 edit count # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:21
And the page "Selenium talk test" exists # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:50
When I click the talk button # features/step_definitions/talk_steps.rb:1
Then there should be an add discussion button # features/step_definitions/talk_steps.rb:17 @firefox @login @vagrant
Feature: Table of contents
Background: # features/toc.feature:4
Given I am using the mobile site # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:53
#And in Firefox see bug T88288
Scenario: Don't show table of contents on mobile # features/toc.feature:9
Given I am viewing the site in mobile mode # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:64
When I go to a page that has sections # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:17
Then I should not see the table of contents # features/step_definitions/toc_steps.rb:1 @firefox @vagrant
Feature: Toggling sections
Background: # features/toggling.feature:4
Given I am using the mobile site # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:53
And I am viewing the site in mobile mode # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:64
Scenario: Opening a section on mobile # features/toggling.feature:13
Given I go to a page that has sections # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:17
When I click on the first collapsible section heading # features/step_definitions/toggling_steps.rb:1
Then I should see the content of the first section # features/step_definitions/toggling_steps.rb:9
@chrome @firefox
Feature: Check UI components
Background: # features/ui_links.feature:4
Given I am using the mobile site # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:53
Scenario: Check existence of important UI components on the main page # features/ui_links.feature:8
Given the wiki has a terms of use # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:72
And I am on the "Main Page" page # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:47
Then I should see the history link # features/step_definitions/ui_links_steps.rb:9
And I should see the switch to desktop link # features/step_definitions/ui_links_steps.rb:21
And I should see the license link # features/step_definitions/ui_links_steps.rb:17
And I should see a link to the terms of use # features/step_definitions/ui_links_steps.rb:5
And I should see a link to the privacy page # features/step_definitions/ui_links_steps.rb:1
Scenario: Check existence of important UI components on other pages. # features/ui_links.feature:18
Given the page "Selenium UI test" exists # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:50
And I am on the "Selenium UI test" page # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:47
Then I should see the last modified bar history link # features/step_definitions/ui_links_steps.rb:13
And I should see the switch to desktop link # features/step_definitions/ui_links_steps.rb:21
And I should see the license link # features/step_definitions/ui_links_steps.rb:17
And I should see a link to the terms of use # features/step_definitions/ui_links_steps.rb:5
And I should see a link to the privacy page # features/step_definitions/ui_links_steps.rb:1
@chrome @firefox @vagrant
Feature: Manage Watchlist
Background: # features/watchstar.feature:4
Given I am logged into the mobile website # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:29
Scenario: Add an article to the watchlist # features/watchstar.feature:8
Given I am viewing an unwatched page # features/step_definitions/watchstar_steps.rb:7
When I click the watch star # features/step_definitions/common_article_steps.rb:32
Then I should see a toast with message about watching the page # features/step_definitions/watchstar_steps.rb:13
And the watch star should be selected # features/step_definitions/common_article_steps.rb:61
Scenario: Remove an article from the watchlist # features/watchstar.feature:15
Given I am viewing a watched page # features/step_definitions/watchstar_steps.rb:1
When I click the unwatch star # features/step_definitions/common_article_steps.rb:28
Then I should see a toast with message about unwatching the page # features/step_definitions/watchstar_steps.rb:17
And the watch star should not be selected # features/step_definitions/common_article_steps.rb:65
Failing Scenarios:
cucumber features/language.feature:12 # Scenario: Closing language overlay (overlay button)
19 scenarios (1 failed, 1 skipped, 17 passed)
128 steps (1 failed, 7 skipped, 120 passed)
1 warning due to missing wiki extensions

Event Timeline

Frankiebot changed the title of this paste from untitled to Masterwork From Distant Lands.
Frankiebot updated the paste's language from autodetect to autodetect.