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MediaWiki API action=upload creation

Authored by valerio.bozzolan on Dec 27 2020, 12:26 AM.
Referenced Files
F33973287: MediaWiki API action=upload creation
Dec 27 2020, 12:27 AM
F33973286: MediaWiki API action=upload creation
Dec 27 2020, 12:26 AM
"upload": {
"result": "Success",
"filename": "Berna._Veduta_del_centro_storico_(DOI_21471).jpg",
"imageinfo": {
"timestamp": "2020-12-27T00:20:38Z",
"user": "Valerio Bozzolan bot",
"userid": 6711894,
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"width": 3000,
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"parsedcomment": "Bot: <a href=\"\\/wiki\\/Commons:Bots\\/Requests\\/Valerio_Bozzolan_bot_(6)\" title=\"Commons:Bots\\/Requests\\/Valerio Bozzolan bot (6)\">authorized import from Academy of architecture Library of Mendrisio<\\/a>",
"comment": "Bot: [[Commons:Bots\\/Requests\\/Valerio Bozzolan bot (6)|authorized import from Academy of architecture Library of Mendrisio]]",
"html": "<div>\n<div class=\"thumb tright\"><div class=\"thumbinner\" style=\"width:182px;\"><a href=\"\\/w\\/index.php?title=Special:Upload&amp;wpDestFile=Berna._Veduta_del_centro_storico_(DOI_21471).jpg\" class=\"new\" title=\"File:Berna. Veduta del centro storico (DOI 21471).jpg\">File:Berna. Veduta del centro storico (DOI 21471).jpg<\\/a> <div class=\"thumbcaption\">Existing file<\\/div><\\/div><\\/div>\n<p><span id=\"wpUploadWarningFileexists\">A file with this name already exists; please check <b><a class=\"mw-selflink selflink\">the existing file<\\/a><\\/b> if you are not sure whether you want to change it. Please choose another filename, unless you are uploading a technically improved version of the same file. <br \\/>Do not overwrite an image with a different one of the same topic (see <a href=\"\\/wiki\\/Commons:File_naming\" title=\"Commons:File naming\">file naming<\\/a>).<\\/span>\n<\\/p>\n<div style=\"clear:both;\"><\\/div>\n<\\/div>",
"canonicaltitle": "File:Berna. Veduta del centro storico (DOI 21471).jpg",
"url": "https:\\/\\/\\/wikipedia\\/commons\\/e\\/ef\\/Berna._Veduta_del_centro_storico_%28DOI_21471%29.jpg",
"descriptionurl": "https:\\/\\/\\/wiki\\/File:Berna._Veduta_del_centro_storico_(DOI_21471).jpg",
"sha1": "1d63427f073455b9557c6232bf4e86e87db1650e",
"metadata": [
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"extmetadata": {
"DateTime": {
"value": "2020-12-27 00:20:38",
"source": "mediawiki-metadata",
"hidden": ""
"ObjectName": {
"value": "Berna. Veduta del centro storico (DOI 21471)",
"source": "mediawiki-metadata",
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"CommonsMetadataExtension": {
"value": 1.2,
"source": "extension",
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"Categories": {
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"source": "commons-categories",
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