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Paste P8761

Masterwork From Distant Lands

Authored by Urbanecm on Jul 17 2019, 12:06 PM.
Referenced Files
F29790805: raw.txt
Jul 17 2019, 12:06 PM
Script started on Wed 17 Jul 2019 12:06:07 PM UTC
urbanecm@mwmaint1002:~$ sql cawiki
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
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Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
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Server version: 10.1.39-MariaDB MariaDB Server
Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
wikiadmin@> SELECT * FROM abuse_filter_history WHERE afh_id = 164;
| afh_id | afh_filter | afh_user | afh_user_text | afh_timestamp | afh_pattern | afh_comments | afh_flags | afh_public_comments | afh_actions | afh_deleted | afh_changed_fields | afh_group |
| 164 | 9 | 285723 | Filtre d’abusos | 20190717120306 | !("autoconfirmed" in user_groups)
& (article_namespace == 0)
& !(user_name in article_recent_contributors)
& (old_size > 0)
& (count("http://", string(added_lines)) > count("http://", string(removed_lines)))
& !(count("<ref", string(added_lines)) > count("<ref", string(removed_lines))) | Copiat de en:Special:Special:AbuseFilter/80. Relacionats fr:Special:AbuseFilter/15, es:Special:AbuseFilter/12
Novell que no ha editat abans l'article afegeix reiteradament enllaços externs. --Vriullop
Redueixo a 2 accions permeses. --Vriullop
Unificació de la sintaxi amb la resta de filtres. --Coet | enabled | Afegint enllaços externs | a:2:{s:8:"throttle";a:3:{i:0;s:1:"9";i:1;s:6:"2,1800";i:2;s:2:"ip";}s:3:"tag";a:1:{i:0;s:13:"possible spam";}} | 0 | actions | default |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

wikiadmin@> Bye
urbanecm@mwmaint1002:~$ exit
Script done on Wed 17 Jul 2019 12:06:20 PM UTC

Event Timeline

Urbanecm changed the title of this paste from untitled to Masterwork From Distant Lands.