diff --git a/templates/base.html b/templates/base.html index cd4c6bf..93a9fd6 100644 --- a/templates/base.html +++ b/templates/base.html @@ -1,56 +1,55 @@ {{ title }} {% block head %}{% endblock %}
{{ user }}     logout
{%- if title %}

{{ title }}

Tool Labs – wmopbot, IRC bot for Wikimedia channels operators

{%- endif %} -{% block content %}{% endblock %} +{% block content %}{{ content|safe }}{% endblock %} {% if warn %}

{{ warn|safe }}

{% endif %}
Made with Flask
The source of this tool is available in Diffusion.
diff --git a/templates/cloak.html b/templates/cloak.html index 480e39b..336e4cf 100644 --- a/templates/cloak.html +++ b/templates/cloak.html @@ -1,162 +1,164 @@ Wikimedia cloak request

Wikimedia Cloak Request

{% if message %}

{{ message }}

{% else %}

{{ ircacc }}


{{ wikiacc }}

First cloak   Cloak change   Bot cloak

{% endif %}
diff --git a/templates/cloakqueue.html b/templates/cloakqueue.html index 1dc440f..35daf01 100644 --- a/templates/cloakqueue.html +++ b/templates/cloakqueue.html @@ -1,118 +1,121 @@ {% extends "base.html" %} {% block head %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

To request a cloak use in IRC the command: /msg wmopbot cloak

Filter staus: go

Last {{ limit }} {{ queuestatus }} cloak requests:

{# cloak: cl_id (key), cl_user (90), cl_ircacc (16), cl_wikiacc (tinytext), cl_ircbot (16), cl_type(enum), cl_cloak (50), cl_cloak_edit, cl_status (10), cl_timestamp (datetime), cl_data (text) #} - {% endfor -%}
#Requester userAcountsCloak requestedStatusHistory +
#Requester userAccountsCloak requestedStatusHistory {% for id, requser, irc, wiki, bot, _type, cloak, editcloak, status, ts, data in requests -%}
{{ id }} {{ requser.replace('!', '
!').replace('@', '
@')|safe }}
irc: {{ irc }}
wiki: {{ wiki }}{%- if bot %}
bot: {{ bot }}{% endif %}
{{ _type }} cloak
request: {{ cloak }} {%- if usergroup == 'gc' %}
{{ editcloak and "edited: " + editcloak or "" }}{# #} edit{%- else %}{%- if editcloak -%}
edited: {{ editcloak }}{% endif %}{% endif %}
{{ status }}
{% for line in data.split('\n')[0].split(',') %}{% set line = line.split() -%} {{ line[:-2]|join(' ') }} {{ line[-2:]|join(' ') }}{% if not loop.last %}
{% endif %} {%- endfor %}
{{ user -}}: save
{%- for line in data.split('\n')[1:] %} {{ line }}{% if not loop.last %}
{% endif %} {%- endfor -%}{% if status == 'approved' %}
Command to freenode staffs apply the cloak: /msg NickServ VHOST {{ irc }} ON {{ editcloak or cloak }}{% endif %}
{% endblock %} diff --git a/web.py b/web.py index 2ecdc92..de9c633 100755 --- a/web.py +++ b/web.py @@ -1,569 +1,581 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from flask import Flask, render_template, session, redirect, request, url_for, request from collections import defaultdict from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1 import time, re, oursql, os, requests, jwt, thread def _force_https(app): def wrapper(environ, start_response): environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'https' return app(environ, start_response) return wrapper app = Flask(__name__) app.wsgi_app = _force_https(app.wsgi_app) app.debug = False app.config['PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME'] = 'https' _dbconn = [0, None] chanLoaded = 0 sep = re.compile(r'^;|(?<=[^\\]);') if 'userCheck' not in globals(): userCheck = {} threadQueue = [] lock = thread.allocate_lock() @app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def login(): error = None with open('web.log', 'a') as f: f.write('login: %s; %r\n' % (request.method, session.items())) # make login if request.method == 'POST': session.permanent = request.form.get('permanent') == 'yes' returnto = request.form.get('returnto', '').lstrip('/') uri = url_for('index') + returnto if not 'user' in session: with open('login_tokens') as f: for token, user, t in [line.split('\t') for line in f.read().split('\n') if line]: if token == session.get('token'): if not user: error = 'Login failed' break session['user'] = user del session['token'] return redirect(uri) elif not error: return redirect(uri) # show login command returnto = request.args.get('returnto') try: with open('login_tokens') as f: tokens = [i for i in [line.split('\t') for line in f.read().split('\n') if line] if int(i[2]) > time.time()] except IOError: tokens = [] token = os.urandom(5).encode('hex') session['token'] = token tokens.append([token, '', '%d' % (time.time() + 60)]) with open('login_tokens', 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join('\t'.join(i) for i in tokens)) return render_template('login.html', token=token, error=error, returnto=returnto) @app.route('/logout') def logout(): if 'user' in session: del session['user'] return render_template('logout.html') @app.route('/') def index(): if not 'user' in session: return redirect_login() with open('.online') as f: online = f.read().split('\n') if not online[0].isdigit() or int(online[0]) + 700 < time.time(): online = False r = query("""SELECT * FROM actions WHERE ac_timestamp > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) AND ac_action IN ('ban', 'kick', 'Killed', 'K-Lined', 'revove') AND ac_channel NOT LIKE '#wikimedia-opbot%' ORDER BY ac_id DESC LIMIT 20""")[::-1] graph = query("SELECT st_hour, SUM(st_msg) FROM stats WHERE st_hour > ? GROUP BY st_hour", ((int(time.time()) / 3600) - 168,)) if graph: graph = '{%s}' % ','.join('%d:%d' % (h, n) for h, n in graph) - return render_template('mainpage.html', title='wmopbot Web Interface', actions=r, graph=graph, online=online and online[1:], **userparams()) + queuelen = None + if chanList['#wikimedia-ops']['access'].get(session['user'], {}).get('template', '') == 'Contact' \ + or query("SELECT 1 FROM user WHERE us_account = ? and us_user LIKE '%@freenode/staff/%' LIMIT 1", + (session['user'],)): + queuelen = query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cloak WHERE cl_status = 'new'")[0] + return render_template('mainpage.html', title='wmopbot Web Interface', actions=r, graph=graph, + online=online and online[1:], **userparams()) @app.route('/channels') def channels(): if not 'user' in session: return redirect_login() if chanLoaded + 300 < time.time(): loadChans() return render_template('channels.html', title=u'Wikimedia IRC channels', chanTable=chanTable, **userparams()) @app.route('/actions') def actions(): if not 'user' in session: return redirect_login() # actions: id, user(90), channel(50), action(10), target(90), args(255), timestamp where, args, search, limit = [], [], [], 50 for column in ('user', 'action', 'channel', 'target', 'args', 'timestamp'): value = request.args.get(column) if not value: continue search.append('%s: %s' % (column, value)) if '*' in value or '?' in value: value = value.replace('%', r'\%').replace('_', r'\_').replace('*', '%').replace('?', '_') where.append('ac_%s LIKE ?' % column) args.append(value) else: where.append('ac_%s = ?' % column) args.append(value) if 'limit' in request.args and request.args['limit'].isdigit(): limit = int(request.args['limit']) if limit > 2000: limit = 2000 r = query('SELECT * FROM actions%s ORDER BY ac_id DESC LIMIT %d' % (where and ' WHERE ' + ' and '.join(where) or '', limit), tuple(args))[::-1] return render_template('actions.html', title='Actions log', actions=r, search=search, **userparams()) @app.route('/lists') def botlists(): if not 'user' in session: return redirect_login() r = query("SELECT ls_type, ls_target, ls_args FROM list WHERE ls_channel = 'global' and ls_type IN ('black', 'bot', 'exempt', 'track')") lists = [(_type, target, {k: v.decode('utf-8', 'replace').replace('\;', ';') for k, v in (i.split(':', 1) for i in sep.split(args))}) for _type, target, args in r] lists = {_type: [(t.decode('utf-8', 'replace'), a.get('user'), a.get('time')) for tp, t, a in lists if tp == _type] for _type in {a for a, b, c in lists}} return render_template('lists.html', title='Lists', lists=lists, **userparams()) @app.route('/info') @app.route('/info/') def info(target=None): if not 'user' in session: return redirect_login() if not target: return render_template('info.html', title='Info', **userparams()) if target.startswith('#'): return channel(target) elif not any(x in target for x in '!@*?/.:'): r = query('SELECT * FROM user WHERE LOWER(us_account) = ? LIMIT 100', (target.lower(),)) access = [(c, chanList[c]['access'][target]) for c in chanList if target in chanList[c]['access']] accban = '$a:' + target bans = [(chan, ban, chanList[chan]['ban'][ban]) for chan in chanList for ban in chanList[chan]['ban'] if ban == accban] quiets = [(chan, quiet, chanList[chan]['quiet'][quiet]) for chan in chanList for quiet in chanList[chan]['quiet'] if quiet == accban] if r or access or bans: return render_template('user.html', title='Info about ' + target, users=r, access=access, bans=bans, quiets=quiets, **userparams()) else: return render_template('info.html', title='Info about ' + target, users=r, warn=target + ' is an unknown account', **userparams()) elif '!' in target or '@' in target: mask = target.replace('%', r'\%').replace('_', r'\_').replace('*', '%').replace('?', '_') r = query('SELECT * FROM user WHERE us_user LIKE ? LIMIT 100', (mask,)) actions = query('SELECT * FROM actions WHERE ac_user LIKE ? OR ac_target LIKE ? ORDER BY ac_id DESC LIMIT 20', (mask, mask))[::-1] bans = [(chan, ban, chanList[chan]['ban'][ban]) for chan in chanList for ban in chanList[chan]['ban'] if maskre(ban, target)][:100] quiets = [(chan, quiet, chanList[chan]['quiet'][quiet]) for chan in chanList for quiet in chanList[chan]['quiet'] if maskre(quiet, target)][:100] return render_template('mask.html', title='Info about ' + target, users=r, bans=bans, quiets=quiets, actions=actions, **userparams()) else: return render_template('info.html', title='Info', **userparams()) def channel(chan): if chan in chanList: del chanList[chan] for chan, _type, target, args in query('SELECT * FROM list WHERE ls_channel = ?', (chan,)): chanList[chan].setdefault(_type, {})[target.decode('utf-8', 'replace')] = \ {k: v.decode('utf-8', 'replace').replace('\;', ';') for k, v in (i.split(':', 1) for i in sep.split(args))} if chan in chanList: actions = query("SELECT * FROM actions WHERE ac_channel = ? AND ac_action IN ('ban', 'quiet', 'Killed', 'K-Lined', 'kick', 'remove') ORDER BY ac_id DESC LIMIT 10", (chan,))[::-1] graph = query("SELECT st_hour, st_msg FROM stats WHERE st_hour > ? AND st_channel = ?", ((int(time.time()) / 3600) - 168, chan)) if graph: graph = '{%s}' % ','.join('%d:%d' % (h, n) for h, n in graph) return render_template('channel.html', title='%s info' % chan, chan=chanList[chan], actions=actions, channel=chan, graph=graph, **userparams()) else: msg = chan + ' is an unknown channel, maybe the channels is not in meta:IRC/Channels.' return render_template('info.html', title='Info', warn=msg, **userparams()) @app.route('/lang') def languages(): if not 'user' in session: return redirect_login() messages = [key.split('.', 1) + [msg, user, dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')] for key, msg, user, dt in query('SELECT * FROM lang')] return render_template('lang.html', title='Languages messages', messages=messages, **userparams()) @app.route('/help') def help(): if not 'user' in session: return redirect_login() return render_template('help.html', title='wmopbot help', **userparams()) @app.route('/about') def about(): return render_template('about.html', title='What is wmopbot') @app.route('/cloak', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def cloakrequest(): if request.method == 'POST': if not 'cloak' in request.form: return render_template('cloak.html', message='To request a cloak, use the follow command in IRC: /msg wmopbot cloak') token = request.form['token'] with open('cloak.ctrl') as f: ctrl = f.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(ctrl): line = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t') if line[0] == token: if line[-1].isdigit(): return render_template('cloak.html', message='Error: This request had been already sent.') ircuser, ircacc, wikiacc, botacc = line[3], line[4], line[5], len(line) > 6 and line[6] or None ctrl[i] = '\t'.join(line + ['%d' % time.time()]) + '\n' break else: return render_template('cloak.html', message='Internal Error') # token not in cloak.ctrl data = '%s: request %s\n' % (ircacc, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) if wikiacc in userCheck and userCheck[wikiacc][1]: data += userCheck[wikiacc][1] # cloak: cl_id (key), cl_user (90), cl_ircacc (16), cl_wikiacc (tinytext), cl_ircbot (16), cl_type(enum), # cl_cloak (50), cl_status (10), cl_timestamp (datetime), cl_data (text) sql = 'INSERT INTO cloak (cl_user, cl_ircacc, cl_wikiacc, cl_ircbot, cl_type, cl_cloak, cl_status, cl_data) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, "new", ?)' execute(sql, (ircuser, ircacc, wikiacc, botacc, request.form['type'], request.form['cloak'], data)) return render_template('cloak.html', message='The request was sent. The cloaks are processed in batches, so it may take some days to your request be processed.') # method == GET if 'ircacc' in request.args and 'wikiacc' in request.args: # for tests ircuser, ircacc, wikiacc = request.args.get('ircuser', '?!?@?'), request.args['ircacc'], request.args['wikiacc'] token, cloak = os.urandom(5).encode('hex'), None with open('cloak.ctrl', 'a') as f: f.write('%s\t?\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (token, time.time(), ircuser, ircacc, wikiacc)) elif not 'oauth_token' in request.args or not 'oauth_verifier' in request.args: return render_template('cloak.html', message='To request a cloak, use the follow command in IRC: /msg wmopbot cloak') else: token = request.args['oauth_token'] with open('cloak.ctrl') as f: ctrl = [l for l in f.readlines() if l and int(l.split()[2]) + 25920000 > time.time()] for line in ctrl: line = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t') if line[0] == token: if len(line) > 5: return render_template('cloak.html', message='Error: Request already initialized.') - if int(line[2]) + 60 < time.time(): + if int(line[2]) + 120 < time.time(): return render_template('cloak.html', message='Error: Request expired.') token_secret, ircuser, ircacc = line[1], line[3], line[4] break else: return render_template('cloak.html', message='Error: Not a valid token') with open('.oauth.key') as f: consumer_key, consumer_secret = f.read().rstrip('\n').split('\t') oauth = OAuth1(consumer_key, consumer_secret, token, token_secret, verifier=request.args['oauth_verifier']) url = 'https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php' r = requests.post(url=url, params={'title': 'Special:OAuth/token'}, auth=oauth) t = r.content.startswith('oauth_token') and dict(i.split('=', 1) for i in r.content.split('&')) oauth = OAuth1(consumer_key, consumer_secret, t['oauth_token'], t['oauth_token_secret']) r = requests.post(url=url, params={'title': 'Special:OAuth/identify'}, auth=oauth) data = jwt.decode(r.content, consumer_secret, audience=consumer_key) wikiacc = data['username'] for i, line in enumerate(ctrl): line = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t') if line[0] == token: ctrl[i] = '\t'.join(line + [wikiacc]) + '\n' with open('cloak.ctrl', 'w') as f: f.writelines(ctrl) wikimediaCloaks = ('wikipedia/', 'wikimedia/', 'wikibooks/', 'wikinews/', 'wikiquote/', 'wiktionary/', 'wikisource/', 'wikivoyage/', 'wikiversity/', 'wikidata/', 'mediawiki/') host = ircuser.split('@')[-1] cloak = host.startswith(wikimediaCloaks) and host or '' checkuser(wikiacc) return render_template('cloak.html', ircuser=ircuser, ircacc=ircacc, wikiacc=wikiacc, token=token, usercloak=cloak) @app.route('/botaccount', methods=['POST']) def botaccount(): token = request.form['token'] with open('cloak.ctrl') as f: ctrl = [l for l in f.readlines() if l and int(l.split()[2]) + 25920000 > time.time()] for line in ctrl: line = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t') if line[0] == token: if len(line) < 7: return 'Error: bot identification not received' else: return line[6] return 'Error: token not found' @app.route('/cloakqueue') def cloakqueue(): if not 'user' in session: return redirect_login() + if chanList['#wikimedia-ops']['access'].get(session['user'], {}).get('template', '') == 'Contact': + usergroup = 'gc' + elif query("SELECT 1 FROM user WHERE us_account = ? and us_user LIKE '%@freenode/staff/%' LIMIT 1", + (session['user'],)): + usergroup = 'staff' + else: + return render_template('base.html', title='Cloaks Queue', + content='

The cloak queue is restricted to GCs and Freenode staff

', + **userparams()) limit = 'limit' in request.args and request.args['limit'].isdigit() and int(request.args['limit']) or 20 args = [limit > 200 and 200 or limit] status = request.args.get('status', '') if status: args[0:0] = [status] queue = query('SELECT * FROM cloak WHERE cl_status = ? ORDER BY cl_id DESC LIMIT ?', tuple(args)) else: queue = query('SELECT * FROM cloak ORDER BY cl_id DESC LIMIT ?', tuple(args)) - usergroup = 'op' - if 'test' in request.args: - usergroup = request.args['test'] - elif chanList['#wikimedia-ops']['access'].get(session['user'], {}).get('template', '') == 'Contact': - usergorup = 'gc' - elif query("SELECT 1 FROM user WHERE us_account = ? and us_user LIKE '%@freenode/staff/%'", (session['user'],)): - usergroup = 'staff' for req in queue: data = req[-1].split('\n') if len(data) < 2 or not data[1]: checkuser(req[3]) return render_template('cloakqueue.html', title='Cloaks Queue', limit=limit, queuestatus=status, requests=queue[::-1], usergroup=usergroup, **userparams()) @app.route('/setcloak', methods=['POST']) def setcloak(): if not 'user' in session: return 'Error: not logged' with open('web.log', 'a') as f: f.write('setcloak: %r\n' % request.form) _id = request.form['id'] status, cloak = request.form.get('status'), request.form.get('cloak') r = query('SELECT cl_data FROM cloak WHERE cl_id = ?', (_id,)) if not r: return 'Error: id not found' data = r[0][0].split('\n', 1) history = data[0].split(',') new = '' if chanList['#wikimedia-ops']['access'].get(session['user'], {}).get('template', '') == 'Contact': if cloak: new = '%s: cloak edit %s' % (session['user'], time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) + if history and history[-1].startswith('%s: cloak edit ' % session['user']): + history = history[0:-1] data = ','.join(history + [new]) + '\n' + data[1] execute('UPDATE cloak SET cl_cloak_edit = ?, cl_data = ? WHERE cl_id = ?', (cloak, data, _id)) return '(ok)%s\n%s' % (cloak, new) - elif not status in ('+1', '-1', 'approved', 'rejected', 'cloaked'): + elif not status in ('approved', 'rejected', 'cloaked'): return 'Error: You can not set that status' elif not status: return 'Error: No status to set' elif query("SELECT 1 FROM user WHERE us_account = ? and us_user LIKE '%@freenode/staff/%'", (session['user'],)): - if not status in ('+1', '-1', 'cloaked'): + if status != 'cloaked': return 'Error: can not set that status' - elif history[-1].split()[1] in ('approved', 'rejected', 'cloaked'): - return 'Error: You can not review a request with that status' - elif session['user'] + ': ' in data[0]: - return 'Error: You may only review a request once' - elif not status in ('+1', '-1'): + else: return 'Error: You can not set that status' new = '%s: %s %s' % (session['user'], status, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) data = ','.join(history + [new]) + '\n' + data[1] status = status in ('+1', '-1') and 'reviewed' or status execute("UPDATE cloak SET cl_status = ?, cl_data = ? WHERE cl_id = ?", (status, data, _id)) return '(ok)' + new @app.route('/redundant') def redundantBans(): "Generate a list of redundant bans for all channels" if not 'user' in session: return redirect_login() bans, quiets = [], [] for channel in sorted(c for c in chanList if c[0] == '#'): check = [channel] + [ban[3:] for ban in chanList[channel]['ban'] if ban.startswith('$j:#')] bans.extend([(channel, ban2check, ban + (checkChan != channel and ' in ' + checkChan or '')) for checkChan in check for ban in chanList[checkChan]['ban'] for ban2check in chanList[channel]['ban'] if (checkChan != channel and not ban.startswith('$j') if ban == ban2check else maskre(ban, ban2check))]) quiets.extend([(channel, quiet2check, quiet) for quiet in chanList[channel]['quiet'] for quiet2check in chanList[channel]['quiet'] if quiet != quiet2check and maskre(quiet, quiet2check)]) return render_template('redundant.html', title='Redundant bans and quiets', bans=bans, quiets=quiets, **userparams()) @app.route('/reload') def reloadchans(): if not 'user' in session: return redirect_login() loadChans() return render_template('chansreloaded.html', title='Chans reloaded', **userparams()) def notAuth(): return render_template('notauth.html', title=u'Not authenticated') @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(error): return render_template('page_not_found.html', title=u'Page not found'), 404 def redirect_login(): returnto = request.full_path url = returnto and returnto != '/' and url_for('login', returnto=returnto) or url_for('login') r = redirect(url) return r def dbconn(): global _dbconn if _dbconn[0] + 10 > time.time(): return _dbconn[1] connection = oursql.connect(db='s53213__wmopbot', host='tools.labsdb', read_default_file=os.path.expanduser('~/replica.my.cnf'), read_timeout=10, use_unicode=False) c = connection.cursor() _dbconn = [time.time(), c] return c def query(sql, args=()): c = dbconn() c.execute(sql, args) return c.fetchall() def execute(sql, args=()): c = dbconn() c.execute(sql, args) def loadChans(): - global chanList, chanTable, chanLoaded + global chanList, chanTable, chanLoaded, chanacs chanList = defaultdict(lambda: {'access': {}, 'ban': {}, 'quiet': {}, 'mode': {}, 'exempt': {}, 'config': {}}) for chan, _type, target, args in query('SELECT * FROM list'): chanList[chan].setdefault(_type, {})[target.decode('utf-8', 'replace')] = \ {k: v.decode('utf-8', 'replace').replace('\;', ';') for k, v in (i.split(':', 1) for i in sep.split(args))} stats = query('SELECT st_channel, SUM(st_msg), (SUM(st_users) / COUNT(*)) FROM stats WHERE st_hour > (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() / 3600 - 168) GROUP BY st_channel') stats = {chan: (int(msg), int(usr)) for chan, msg, usr in stats} with open('.online') as f: online = f.read().split('\n')[1:] chanTable = [] for chan in chanList: if chan[0] != '#': continue ops = len([1 for args in chanList[chan]['access'].values() if 'o' in args['flags']]) wmfgc = 'wmfgc' in chanList[chan]['access'] and chanList[chan]['access']['wmfgc'].get('flags', '') or \ chanList[chan]['config'].get('update', {}).get('cserror') or '' bans = len([1 for b in chanList[chan]['ban']]) jbans = ', '.join([b for b in chanList[chan]['ban'] if b.startswith('$j:')]) modes = chanList[chan]['config'].get('cs/irc', {}).get('mode', '?') csflags = chanList[chan]['config'].get('cs/irc', {}).get('csflags', '') msg = chan in stats and stats[chan][0] or chan in online and '0' or '' users = chan in stats and stats[chan][1] or '' sigyn = 'Sigyn' in chanList[chan]['config'] and 'yes' or '' if 'WM' in chanList[chan]['config']: chanTable.append((chan, ops, wmfgc, bans, jbans, modes, csflags, msg, users, sigyn)) chanTable.sort() + chanacs = [(c, i[9:]) for c in chanList for i in chanList[c]['access'] + if i.startswith('$chanacs:') and 'o' in chanList[c]['access'][i].get('flags', '')] chanLoaded = int(time.time()) loadChans() def userparams(): user = session['user'] chans = query(r"SELECT ls_channel FROM list WHERE ls_type = 'access' AND ls_target = ? AND ls_args RLIKE 'flags:\\w*[Oo]\\w*;'", (user,)) - return {'user': user, 'userChans': [i[0] for i in chans]} + userChans = {i[0] for i in chans} + for chan, pull in chanacs: + if pull in chanList and user in chanList[pull]['access']: + userChans.add(chan) + return {'user': user, 'userChans': sorted(userChans)} app.add_template_filter(lambda t: t and t.isdigit() and time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(int(t))) or t, name='ftime') app.add_template_filter(lambda t: t.decode('utf-8', 'replace'), name='utf8') def checkuser(wikiacc): with open('web.log', 'a') as f: f.write('checkuser: %r\n' % userCheck) if not wikiacc in userCheck: userCheck[wikiacc] = [time.time(), None] if not userCheck[wikiacc][1] and not wikiacc in threadQueue: threadQueue.append(wikiacc) if threadQueue and not lock.locked(): thread.start_new_thread(checkuser_thread, ()) def checkuser_thread(): lock.acquire() try: while threadQueue: checkuser_thread2(threadQueue.pop(0)) for u, v in userCheck.items(): if v[0] + 86400 < time.time(): del userCheck[u] finally: lock.release() def checkuser_thread2(user): dbs = None wikis = {} dbtime = [] for s in ('s1', 's2', 's3', 's4', 's5', 's6', 's7'): connection = oursql.connect(host=s + '.labsdb', read_default_file=os.path.expanduser('~/replica.my.cnf'), read_timeout=10, use_unicode=True, autoreconnect=True, autoping=True) c = connection.cursor() if not dbs: c.execute('SELECT dbname, url FROM meta_p.wiki') dbs = {db[0].encode('utf-8') + '_p': db[1] for db in c.fetchall() if db[1]} c.execute('SHOW DATABASES') sdbs = [db[0] for db in c.fetchall() if db[0] in dbs] if not 'global' in wikis and 'centralauth_p' in sdbs: c.execute("SELECT gb_expiry FROM centralauth_p.globalblocks WHERE gb_address = ?", (user,)) block = c.fetchall() wikis['global'] = block and 'Global blocked (expiry: %s) ' % expirytime(block[0]) or None for db in sdbs: wikis[dbs[db]] = checkwiki(c, db, user) del dbs[db] c.connection.close() if not dbs: break connection.close() data = '%s: %s' % (user, wikis.pop('global', None) or '') wikis = sorted(((w, d) for w, d in wikis.iteritems() if d), key=lambda i:i[1][0], reverse=True) data += ', '.join('%s (%s)' % (w.split('//')[-1], d[1]) for w, d in wikis[:(len(wikis) > 8 and 6 or 8)]) if len(wikis) > 8: data += ', and more %d wikis with the average of %.1f edits per wiki' % (len(wikis) - 6, float(sum(d[0] for w, d in wikis[6:])) / (len(wikis) - 6)) userCheck[user][1] = data id_data = query('SELECT cl_id, cl_data FROM cloak WHERE cl_wikiacc = ?', (user,)) for cl_id, cl_data in id_data: cl_data = cl_data.split('\n') if len(cl_data) == 1: cl_data.append('') if not cl_data[1]: cl_data[1] = data execute('UPDATE cloak SET cl_data = ? WHERE cl_id = ?', ('\n'.join(cl_data), cl_id)) def checkwiki(c, db, user): c.execute("SELECT user_editcount, user_id FROM %s.user WHERE user_name = ?" % db, (user,)) count_id = c.fetchall() if not count_id or not count_id[0][0]: return False count, user_id = int(count_id[0][0]), int(count_id[0][1]) data = '%d edit%s' % (count, count != 1 and 's' or '') c.execute("SELECT ipb_expiry FROM %s.ipblocks_ipindex WHERE ipb_address = ?" % db, (user,)) block = c.fetchall() if block: data += ', blocked (expiry: %s)' % block c.execute("SELECT ug_group FROM %s.user_groups WHERE ug_user = ?" % db, (user_id,)) groups = [g[0] for g in c.fetchall()] if groups: data += ', ' + ', '.join(groups) return count, data def expirytime(e): return e.isdigit and '%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s' % (e[0:4], e[4:6], e[6:8], e[8:10], e[10:12], e[12:14]) or e def irclower(s): "IRC lower case: acording RFC 2812, the characters {}|^ are the respective lower case of []\~" return s.lower().replace('{', '[').replace('}', ']').replace('|', '\\').replace('^', '~') mask2re = {'\\': '[\\\\|]', '|': '[\\\\|]', '^': '[~^]', '~': '[~^]', '[': '[[{]', ']': '[]}]', '{': '[[{]', '}': '[]}]', '*': '[^!@]*', '?': '[^!@]', '+': '\\+', '.': '\\.', '(': '\\(', ')': '\\)', '$': '\\$'} def maskre(mask, match=None): "Transforms an IRC mask into a regex pattern" mask = irclower(mask) regex = '' for c in mask: regex += mask2re.get(c, c) try: r = re.compile(regex + '$', re.I) except: r = None if not match: return r return r.match(match) if __name__ == '__main__': with open('.secret') as f: app.secret_key = f.read() if os.uname()[1].startswith('tools-webgrid'): app.config['APPLICATION_ROOT'] = '/wmopbot/' from flup.server.fcgi_fork import WSGIServer WSGIServer(app).run() else: # Run outside Labs for tests (no database) app.run() # print 'This tool does not work outside wmopbot project in Tool Labs'