diff --git a/Classes/ScrapeTournamentITF.py b/Classes/ScrapeTournamentITF.py index 2dddcff..074affa 100644 --- a/Classes/ScrapeTournamentITF.py +++ b/Classes/ScrapeTournamentITF.py @@ -1,181 +1,186 @@ # Name: ITF Tournament scraper # Author: Somnifuguist (w.wiki/fDy) # Date: 10-10-2020 # Content: Scrapes data from ITF printable draws import datetime import itertools import re from ClassSupportFunctions import GetSoup def ExtractTeam(team): # Extracts [name, country code, [seeds]] for player(s) in team from string. team = team.text.strip(" \n\r").replace("\xa0", " ") players = team.split(" / ") team_data = [] for player in players: if player == "": team_data.append(["","",[]]) elif player == "BYE": team_data.append(["BYE", "", []]) else: country = re.search(r"\([A-Z]{3}\)", player).group()[1:4] seed = [] digit = re.search(r"\[\d{1,2}\]", player) if digit: seed.append(digit.group()[1:-1]) types = ["LL", "WC", "Q", "PR", "Alt", "SR", "A", "SE", "ITF", ] for t in types: if re.search(r"\(" + t + "\)", player): seed.append(t) name = (player.replace("(" + country + ")", "").replace("(" + (seed[-1] if seed != [] else "") + ")", "").replace("[" + (seed[0] if seed != [] else "") + "]", "").strip(" ").replace(",", "")) team_data.append([name, country, seed]) return team_data def ExtractScore(score, match, winners): # Extracts [[winner, [set winners]], [set 1 scores], [set 2 scores], ...] from string # Set scores = [player 0 score, player 1 score, [tiebreak scores if tiebreak]/"Retired" if retirement] # Player and scores ordered by order in draw. # e.g. the score 6-4 5-7 7-6(5) 6-0, with player 1 as winner = [[1, [1, 0, 1, 1]], [4, 6], [7, 5], [6, 7, [5, 7]], [0, 6]] # Walkovers = [[winner, ["w/o"]], ["Walkover"]] # Byes = [[winner, []], ["BYE"]] winner = 0 if match[0][0][0] in winners and match[0][0][0] != "BYE" else 1 score = score.text.strip(" |\n\r").replace("\xa0", "") score = [s.split("-") for s in score.split(" ")] if match[0][0][0] == "BYE" or match[1][0][0] == "BYE": new_score = [[winner, []], ["BYE"]] elif score[0][0] == "Walkover": new_score = [[winner, ["w/o"]], ["Walkover"]] else: new_score = [[winner, []]] for set in score: set = [f.replace("[", "").replace("]", "") for f in set] if set == ["Retired"]: if (max(int(new_score[-1][0]), int(new_score[-1][1])) > 5 and abs(int(new_score[-1][0]) - int(new_score[-1][1])) > 1): new_score.append(['0', '0', "Retired"]) # retirement happened after set finished elif (len(new_score[-1]) == 3 and abs(int(new_score[-1][-1][0]) - int(new_score[-1][-1][1])) > 1) or (int(new_score[-1][0]) + int(new_score[-1][1]) == 13): new_score.append(['0', '0', "Retired"]) # retirement happened after tiebreak set finished elif len(new_score[-1]) == 2: new_score[-1] += set # retirement happened mid-set elif set == ["Default"]: if (max(int(new_score[-1][0]), int(new_score[-1][1])) > 5 and abs(int(new_score[-1][0]) - int(new_score[-1][1])) > 1): new_score.append(['0', '0', "Default"]) # default happened after set finished elif (len(new_score[-1]) == 3 and abs(int(new_score[-1][-1][0]) - int(new_score[-1][-1][1])) > 1) or (int(new_score[-1][0]) + int(new_score[-1][1]) == 13): new_score.append(['0', '0', "Default"]) # default happened after tiebreak set finished elif len(new_score[-1]) == 2: new_score[-1] += set # default happened mid-set elif set != [""]: tiebreaker = re.search(r"\(\d{1,}\)", set[1]) if tiebreaker: tie_l = int(tiebreaker.group()[1:-1]) tie_w = tie_l + 2 if tie_l > 4 else 7 if set[0] == '7': set = ['7', '6', [str(tie_w), str(tie_l)]] else: set = ['6', '7', [str(tie_l), str(tie_w)]] new_score.append(set) if winner == 1: # reverse score order, as scores are always ordered with winner first for c, f in enumerate(new_score[1:]): if "Retired" in f: if len(f) == 3: new_score[c+1] = f[:-1][::-1] + [f[-1]] elif len(f) == 4: # tiebreak and retired new_score[c+1] = f[:-2][::-1] + [f[-2][::-1]] + [f[-1]] elif "Default" in f: if len(f) == 3: new_score[c+1] = f[:-1][::-1] + [f[-1]] elif len(f) == 4: # tiebreak and default new_score[c+1] = f[:-2][::-1] + [f[-2][::-1]] + [f[-1]] elif len(f) == 3 and len(f[2]) == 2: # tiebreak new_score[c+1] = f[:-1][::-1] + [f[-1][::-1]] else: f.reverse() for set in new_score[1:]: # fill new_score[0][1] with winner of each set, "r" if team retires, "d" if team defaulted if 'Retired' in set: new_score[0][1].append("r") elif 'Default' in set: new_score[0][1].append("d") else: new_score[0][1].append(int(int(set[0])', '
', '
', '
'] bye = ['
', '
', '
', '
'] html = ">".join([f.strip("\t\n\r ") for f in str(soup).split(">")]) for i in range(4): html = html.replace(empty[i], bye[i]) soup = GetSoup(html, True) return soup def ScrapeTournamentITF(url): soup = GetSoup(url, {}) title = soup.title.string qual = "- Qualifying Draw" in title doubles = "Doubles - " in title date = re.search(r"\d{2}[ ]\w{3}[ ]\d{4}", title) if date: date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date.group(), "%d %b %Y").date() # get date from title else: date = re.search(r"\d{4}\)", title) if date: date = datetime.date(int(date.group()[:-1]), 1, 1) else: date = datetime.date(datetime.datetime.now().year, 1, 1) try: data = ExtractTournament(soup, qual=qual, doubles=doubles) except IndexError: # html is missing name in tournament bracket soup = FixByes(soup) data = ExtractTournament(soup, qual=qual, doubles=doubles) return data, qual, doubles, date diff --git a/Classes/data/GetFlagDE.py b/Classes/data/GetFlagDE.py index 611a5cc..520b42a 100644 --- a/Classes/data/GetFlagDE.py +++ b/Classes/data/GetFlagDE.py @@ -1,245 +1,247 @@ ## Derived from wikiTT by German Wikipedia-User: Mac6 Mac6v2 Mac6v3 import datetime def GetFlagDE(nation, d): if nation == "BLR": d1 = datetime.date(1991, 9, 19) d2 = datetime.date(1995, 6, 7) d3 = datetime.date(2012, 2, 11) if d < d1: return "SUN" elif d >= d1 and d < d2: return "BLR-1991" elif d >= d2 and d < d3: return "BLR-1995" elif nation == "BRA": d1 = datetime.date(1960, 4, 14) d2 = datetime.date(1968, 5, 28) d3 = datetime.date(1992, 5, 12) if d < d1: return "BRA-1889" elif d >= d1 and d < d2: return "BRA-1960" elif d >= d2 and d < d3: return "BRA-1968" elif nation == "BUL": d1 = datetime.date(1990, 11, 27) if d.year >= 1948 and d.year < 1967: return "BGR-1948" elif d.year >= 1967 and d.year < 1971: return "BGR-1967" elif d.year >= 1971 and d < d1: return "BGR-1971" else: return "BGR" elif nation == "CZE" or nation == "TCH" or nation == "SVK": d1 = datetime.date(1992, 12, 31) if d <= d1: if nation == "CZE": - return "CZK" + return "CSK" elif nation == "TCH": - return "CZK" + return "CSK" elif nation == "SVK": - return "CZK" + return "CSK" else: if nation == "TCH": return "CZE" elif nation == "EGY": if d.year >= 1952 and d.year < 1958: return "EGY-1952" elif d.year >= 1958 and d.year < 1972: return "EGY-1958" elif d.year >= 1972 and d.year < 1984: return "EGY-1972" elif nation == "ESP": d1 = datetime.date(1981, 12, 19) if d.year >= 1945 and d.year < 1977: return "ESP-1945" elif d < d1: return "ESP-1977" elif nation == "GER" or nation == "FRG" or nation == "DDR": d1 = datetime.date(1919, 8, 14) d2 = datetime.date(1933, 3, 12) d3 = datetime.date(1935, 9, 15) d4 = datetime.date(1990, 10, 3) d5 = datetime.date(1949, 10, 7) d6 = datetime.date(1959, 10, 1) if nation != "DDR": if d >= d1 and d < d2: return "DEU-1919" elif d >= d2 and d < d3: return "DEU-1933" elif d >= d3 and d.year < 1949: return "DEU-1935" elif d.year >= 1949 and d < d4: return "DEU-1949" elif d >= d4: return "DEU" else: if d >= d5 and d < d6: return "GDR-1949" if d >= d6: return "GDR" elif nation == "GEO": d1 = datetime.date(2004, 1, 26) if d.year >= 1990 and d < d1: return "GEO-1990" elif nation == "GRE": d1 = datetime.date(1970, 8, 18) d2 = datetime.date(1975, 6, 1) d3 = datetime.date(1978, 12, 22) if d.year >= 1935 and d < d1: return "GRC-1935" elif d >= d1 and d < d2: return "GRC-1970" elif d >= d2 and d < d3: return "GRC-1975" else: return "GRC" elif nation == "HKG": d1 = datetime.date(1997, 7, 1) if d.year >= 1959 and d < d1: return "HKG-1959" else: return "CN-HK" elif nation == "HUN": if d.year >= 1957 and d.year < 1988: return "HUN-1957" elif nation == "PAR": if d.year >= 1954 and d.year < 1988: return "PRY-1954" elif d.year >= 1988 and d.year < 1990: return "PRY-1988" elif d.year >= 1990 and d.year < 2013: return "PRY-1990" else: return "PRY" elif nation == "PHI": if d.year >= 1944 and d.year < 1981: return "PHL-1944" elif d.year >= 1981 and d.year < 1986: return "PHL-1981" elif d.year >= 1986 and d.year < 1990: return "PHL-1986" else: return "PHL" elif nation == "ROU": d1 = datetime.date(1952, 9, 25) d2 = datetime.date(1965, 8, 22) d3 = datetime.date(1989, 12, 27) if d >= d1 and d < d2: return "ROU-1952" elif d >= d2 and d < d3: return "ROU-1965" elif nation == "RSA": d1 = datetime.date(1994, 4, 26) if d.year >= 1928 and d.year < 1961: return "ZAF-1928" elif d.year >= 1961 and d < d1: return "ZAF-1961" else: return "ZAF" elif nation == "SRB": d1 = datetime.date(2006, 6, 3) d2 = datetime.date(2010, 11, 11) if d >= d1 and d < d2: return "SRB-2004" elif nation == "SLO": d1 = datetime.date(1992, 4, 27) if d < d1: return "YUG" else: return "SVN" elif nation == "YUG": d1 = datetime.date(1946, 1, 31) d2 = datetime.date(1992, 4, 27) d3 = datetime.date(2003, 2, 4) d4 = datetime.date(2006, 6, 3) if d >= d1 and d < d2: return "YUG-1946" elif d >= d2 and d < d3: return "YUG-1992" elif d >= d3 and d < d4: return "SCG" elif nation == "URS" or nation == "RUS": d1 = datetime.date(1980, 8, 15) d2 = datetime.date(1991, 12, 4) d3 = datetime.date(1993, 12, 11) if d.year >= 1955 and d < d1: return "SUN-1955" elif d >= d1 and d < d2: return "SUN" elif d >= d2 and d < d3: return "RUS-1991" #"URS" return "LVA" // 1992 an bei Savchenko #"URS" return "UKR" #"URS" return "EUN" "GEO" return "EUN" "BLR" return "EUN" // Vereintes Team elif nation == "VEN": if d.year >= 1954 and d.year < 2006: return "VEN-1954" elif nation == "NED": return "NLD" elif nation == "URU": return "URY" elif nation == "SUI": return "CHE" elif nation == "ZIM": return "ZWE" elif nation == "DEN": return "DNK" elif nation == "OMA": return "OMN" elif nation == "CIS": return "GUS" elif nation == "CRO": return "HRV" elif nation == "LAT": return "LVA" elif nation == "INA": return "IDN" elif nation == "POR": return "PRT" elif nation == "CHI": return "CHL" elif nation == "MAD": return "MDG" elif nation == "CRC": return "CRI" elif nation == "PUR": return "US-PR" elif nation == "BAH": return "BHS" elif nation == "ALG": return "DZA" elif nation == "CAM": return "KHM" elif nation == "UAE": return "ARE" elif nation == "LIB": return "LBN" elif nation == "TOG": return "TGO" elif nation == "AHO": return "ANT" elif nation == "TWN": return "TPE" elif nation == "ESA": return "SLV" elif nation == "KUW": return "KWT" elif nation == "BAR": return "BRB" elif nation == "ANG": return "AGO" elif nation == "HAI": return "HTI" elif nation == "MON": return "MCO" elif nation == "MAS": return "MYS" elif nation == "GUA": return "GTM" elif nation == "VIE": return "VNM" + elif nation == "NGR": + return "NGA" return nation