With very few exceptions, all of our visual media (including videos and multi page pdf/djvu files) have at least some kind of thumbnailing/preview. Audio files don't. Adding a player with waveform display to the file description pages of audio files would have some advantages over the current solution:
- visual preview
- navigation: If you'd like to hear a certain section again, moving a cursor to a specific section of the waveform can be much easier than moving a little knob to a place on the time bar where you suspect the section you want to hear may start
- it looks way more professional that way ;-)
For reference, have a look at how it's being done at freesounds.org. Now imagine you have the same file at Commons with our current player and you just want to hear the bird again – without the human voice at the beginning …
In some cases, a Spectrogram might actually be more useful, so ideally the user could switch between those two (freesounds.org has a button "change display" for that).