Hi! I do not speak English. But I will try to describe the problem.
Two MediaWiki:
- MW_Shared - shared user tables
- MW_Standalone - connection to MW_Shared user tables
MW_Standalone LocalSettings.php:
$wgSharedDB = "MW_Shared"; $wgSharedTables[] = "ipblocks"; $wgSharedPrefix = "shared_";
When a user creates his page on MW_Standalone (e.g.,User:TestUser), generateSitemap.php shows an error:
/usr/bin/php /public_html/maintenance/generateSitemap.php --fspath /public_html/sitemap --server "https://domain.com" --urlpath "https://domain.com/sitemap" --identifier="domaincom" 0 () /public_html/sitemap/sitemap-domaincom-NS_0-0.xml.gz A database query error has occurred. Query: SELECT user_name,up_value FROM `prj_shared`.`shared_user` LEFT JOIN `prj_shared`.`shared_user_properties` ON ((user_id = up_user) AND up_property = 'gender') WHERE user_name = '𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁𨮁喃' Function: GenderCache::doQuery/domaincomWikiTitleCodec::getNamespaceName Error: 1300 Invalid utf8 character string: 'F0A8AE' (
If I delete a user's page, then everything is fine.
MW ver. 1.25.1
Encoding MariaDB database: utf8_general_ci
PHP 5.6.11