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-cleanup option in
Open, MediumPublic

Description have two almost simialr options

-force removes non-existing or not matching link without asking for each page
-cleanup removes only non-existing links

when working with -whenneeded, -force removes dead links everywhere since -cleanup only in pages matched by -whenneeded (current language + biggest language, + languages with more than XX changes when -whenneeded:XX).

but with combination -autonomous mode with -wiktionary:

  1. -wiktionary -cleanup -autonomous removes only dead links
  2. -wiktionary -force -autonomous removes dead and non-matching links (en:Foo vs. es:Bar, en:A vs. de:a)
  3. -wiktionary -force the same result as 2)
  4. -wiktionary -cleanup the same result as 2), but should be the same as 1)

Event Timeline

JAnD raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
JAnD updated the task description. (Show Details)
JAnD added a project:
JAnD subscribed.