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[AG] Story: Progress bar linking to every step of the dialogue
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As a user I want to have an overview over how many questions I need to answer to complete the dialogue and where I am in a given moment to that I have a good orientation in the process.

As a user I want to be able to go back to the previous step in the dialogue by clicking on the link in the progress bar.

*The progress bar consists of the following steps:
Autor (to be displayed ONY if the tool doesn't recognize the author automatically)

*If the user chooses the option that he wants to edit the picture ("Step: Bearbeitung), the progress bar should display the following additional substeps for the step "Bearbeitung":


32_doc.png (800×1 px, 121 KB)

Attention: bullet points in progress bar should be flat (no inner shadow)
23b.png (800×1 px, 125 KB)

Event Timeline

KasiaWMDE raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
KasiaWMDE updated the task description. (Show Details)
KasiaWMDE moved this task to Release 2.0 on the Tool-Attribution-Generator board.
KasiaWMDE lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Nov 2 2015, 10:58 AM
Tobi_WMDE_SW renamed this task from [AG]Story: Progress bar linking to every step of the dialogue to [AG] Story: Progress bar linking to every step of the dialogue.Nov 10 2015, 11:42 AM
KasiaWMDE raised the priority of this task from Low to High.Nov 25 2015, 3:47 PM