Ideal timing: 2015-11-23 to 2015-11-30 (assuming this is NO risk to destabilizing fundraising campaigns starting Dec 1)
We'll be using the same privacy policy that Discovery is using, linked here:
"@question"=> "survey question message key", "question"=> "quicksurvey-reading-desc", "@description"=> "description of the survey (appears under question)", "description" => "quicksurvey-reading-question", "@answers"=> "possible answer message keys for positive, neutral, and negative", "answers"=> array( "neutral"=> "quicksurvey-reading-quick", "neutral"=> "quicksurvey-reading-summary", "neutral"=> "quicksurvey-reading-depth" "neutral"=> "quicksurvey-reading-other" ), "@coverage"=> "percentage of users that will see the survey = .05%", "coverage"=> ".005", "@platform"=> "for each platform (desktop, mobile), which version of it is targeted (stable, beta, alpha)", "platform"=> array( "desktop"=> ["stable"], "mobile"=> ["stable", "beta", "alpha"]