- Resolve blocker bugs (e.g. bug 70901 - Users can change the content model of other users' user pages to CSS or JS)
- "Being able to set page content type of User's subpages to javascript or css without edituserjs/editusercss rights seems like a bug."
- "Do we need a new user right?"
- "undo seems broken when undoing revisions that change the content type"
- Any wikis where we don't want this? (see config change gerrit 170129)
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Barring the security issue, there really shouldn't be any reason for a wiki to need/want this staying as false
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as of december 1st wgContentHandlerUseDB is not enabled everywhere, it is only enabled at wikidata, testwiki, test2wiki and mediawikiwiki. https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/170129/ needs to be reviewed and merged to close this ticket.