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undefined method `test_name' for #<MediawikiSelenium::Environment:0x007f8d49e7e770> (NoMethodError)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Reported in T105589#1970175

Reproduced on local instance of mediawiki-vagrant with multimediaviewer role enabled.

$ bundle exec cucumber features/mmv.performance.feature:4 @custom-browser @firefox @internet_explorer_8 @internet_explorer_9 @internet_explorer_10 @internet_explorer_11
Feature: Multimedia Viewer performance

  Background:                                                      # features/mmv.performance.feature:4
    Given I am using a custom user agent                           # features/step_definitions/mmv_performance_steps.rb:26
      undefined method `test_name' for #<MediawikiSelenium::Environment:0x007f9a36bb0df0> (NoMethodError)
      ./features/step_definitions/mmv_performance_steps.rb:27:in `/^I am using a custom user agent$/'
      features/mmv.performance.feature:5:in `Given I am using a custom user agent'
    And I am at a wiki article with at least two embedded pictures # features/step_definitions/mmv_steps.rb:3

0 scenarios
2 steps (1 failed, 1 skipped)

Event Timeline

zeljkofilipin raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
zeljkofilipin updated the task description. (Show Details)

Looks like test_name() no more exists in mediawiki_selenium 1.6.x. Apparently replaced by something like: scenario.title.

This is breaking all MMV selenium tests. :(

Change 272980 had a related patch set uploaded (by Zfilipin):
Fix "undefined method test_name" error message in Selenium tests

Change 272980 merged by jenkins-bot:
Fix "undefined method test_name" error message in Selenium tests

Manually triggered a few of them.

The one hitting will keep falling until patch is cherry picked to the wmf branch.

Change 273190 had a related patch set uploaded (by Hashar):
Fix "undefined method test_name" error message in Selenium tests

Change 273190 merged by jenkins-bot:
Fix "undefined method test_name" error message in Selenium tests