When running a rather small treeviews query like https://tools.wmflabs.org/glamtools/treeviews/?q=%7B%22lang%22%3A%22it%22%2C%22pagepile%22%3A%22492%22%2C%22rows%22%3A%5B%5D%7D (435 articles), logs show hundreds of requests getting an error 500 like:
{"type":"https://restbase.org/errors/https://restbase.org/errors/query_error","title":"Error in Cassandra table storage backend","method":"get","uri":"/analytics.wikimedia.org/v1/pageviews/per-article/it.wikipedia/all-access/user/Ferdinando_di_Diano/daily/20151201/20151231"}
On first attempt, I got 36 % of the data; on second attempt, 84 %; on 3rd, 97 %; on 4th, 100 %. Presumably the API needs to handle concurrent requests better with cold caches.
Not to be confused with incorrect 404: T134964: Invalid API input returns 404 instead of 500 or 400.