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EPIC: Release to Production: Prominent Search Box with type-ahead (metadata/images in search results)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We want to take our successful test and push it into production. This will add in a new prominent search box, type-ahead and display metadata and images (as available) in the search results. This will also display the new language dropdown using the two or three character language identifier instead of the full name of the language. ie: FR for French, EN for English.

abtest2 - typeahead.png (1×2 px, 468 KB)

Event Timeline

debt raised the priority of this task from to High.
debt updated the task description. (Show Details)
debt added subscribers: debt, Jdrewniak, JGirault and 2 others.

Can I suggest adding the blocker tasks?

debt renamed this task from Release to Production: Prominent Search Box with type-ahead (metadata/images in search results) to EPIC: Release to Production: Prominent Search Box with type-ahead (metadata/images in search results).Feb 5 2016, 7:31 PM
debt set Security to None.

Added Epic tag for this ticket - no points.

Added new task - to comment out the 'find a language' label, search box and arrow button (so that it does not display). We have future designs to bring this functionality back, but in a more modern treatment.

Change 276094 had a related patch set uploaded (by JGirault):
Bump portals to master

It's merged into master, and deployed on beta!

Check it out:

Deployment to production

The patch has been submitted for Thursday's Evening SWAT (Thu 00:00–01:00 UTC, Wed 16:00–17:00 PST).

Change 276094 merged by jenkins-bot:
Bump portals to master

debt claimed this task.

Done and released on March 10, 2016 (PST)!