- Name of tool/project: 3d2png
- Description of the tool/project: A backend command line tool in node.js to render thumbnails of 3d models files (currently the STL and AMF file formats).
- Description of how the tool will be used at WMF: This will down-render 3D files into PNGs so that non-JS users can see the files (on articles, on File: pages, etc.).
- Name of individual/group requesting review and primary contact: @Gilles and Multimedia
- Name of individual/group responsible for tool/project after deployment and primary contact: Multimedia
- Target date for deployment (or approximate date deployed if already in production or labs): When available.
- Information from any review of the tool that has already been conducted:
The dependencies I need pull quite a lot of subdependencies (maybe that's usual for node.js, I don't know), which might need security review.
Some of those node.js also require some debian packages, namely:pkg-config, libcairo2-dev, libjpeg-dev, libxi-dev, libglu1-mesa-dev libglew-dev
I want to make sure that those are ok too.
Regarding the file formats themselves (AMF and STL). AMF is XML-based can be zipped. STL is binary or text. In both cases the parsing is done with custom code copied from three.js's examples (AMFLoader.js is slightly modified and be found at the root of 3d2png, STLLoader is taken directly from the three.js module's examples folder).
- Working test environment: None yet.
- Programming language(s) used: node
- Source code repository location: rTDTP
- WMF project home page (if applicable): https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:3d
- Related phabricator tickets: T132058: 3d extension supporting STL (3d printing files)
- Related patchset(s): N/A