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Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$project in /data/project/heritage/heritage/api/includes/FormatHtmllist.php
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Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$project in /data/project/heritage/heritage/api/includes/FormatHtmllist.php on line 88 
Call Stack: 
0.0080 669240 1. {main}() /data/project/heritage/heritage/api/api.php:0 0.1288 1649392 2. ApiMain::dispatch() /data/project/heritage/heritage/api/api.php:36
0.1583 1958448 3. ApiMonuments->executeModule() /data/project/heritage/heritage/api/includes/ApiMain.php:39 
0.1962 2192896 4. ApiMonuments->search() /data/project/heritage/heritage/api/includes/ApiMonuments.php:72 
0.2495 2418176 5. FormatHtmllist->output() /data/project/heritage/heritage/api/includes/ApiMonuments.php:338 
0.2525 2423904 6. FormatHtmllist->outputRow() /data/project/heritage/heritage/api/includes/FormatHtmllist.php:152

Event Timeline

Does this just needs to wait for the next crawl to populate the database?

JeanFred triaged this task as Medium priority.May 6 2016, 12:29 PM

No there is a bug. Will do a patch

Change 287214 had a related patch set uploaded (by Lokal Profil):
Add project to db-fields accessible by api

Change 287214 merged by jenkins-bot:
Add project to db-fields accessible by api

Mentioned in SAL [2016-05-06T14:58:21Z] <JeanFred> Deployed latest from Git: e5a9f01 and d509343 (T134567)

JeanFred raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.

Now working! Thanks for the swift patch @Lokal_Profil :)