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videojs source switcher sometimes breaks a/v sync in ogv.js
Closed, ResolvedPublic


With ogv.js playback in Safari, using the videojs source switcher sometimes breaks a/v sync after the switch. Video plays back very fast while audio is silent for a while, then audio starts playing.

Upstream bug:

Event Timeline

Change 288345 had a related patch set uploaded (by Brion VIBBER):
[WIP] Update ogv.js to 1.1.1-alpha.0

@TheDJ would this have something that would fix this if so ive uploaded the patch here

TheDJ assigned this task to brooke.
TheDJ edited projects, added TimedMediaHandler; removed Patch-For-Review.
TheDJ moved this task from To sort to Done on the TimedMediaHandler board.

Change 288345 merged by jenkins-bot:
Update ogv.js to 1.1.1 release