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[betalabs] Deleting text/section on wikitext triggers message "a user left a message on your talk page"
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Echo notifications for wikitext pages do not differentiate between adding or deleting text. As a result, if a whole page is blanked - a user will receive 'A user left a message on your talk page' which is misleading.

However, 'View history' displays in sufficient details (the number of bytes added/deleted) which edits were made - the # of bytes added with '+' and deleted with '-' .

  1. Go to a wikitext user talk page and delete a chunk of text.
  2. The owner of a user talk page receives a notification that says that a message was left on the user talk page.


  1. Deleting flow topic or a post does not trigger messages. So, it's another discrepancy between wikitext notifications and flow notifications.
  1. Flow messages have a correct way to describe any edits - not implying that the text was added as in 'user left you a message'. Flow message will just state: e.g. "A post in "‪May26‬" was edited on your talk page."

Event Timeline

Etonkovidova renamed this task from [betalabs] Deleting text/section on wikitext triggers message 'a user left a message on you talk page" to [betalabs] Deleting text/section on wikitext triggers message "a user left a message on you talk page".May 27 2016, 12:32 AM
Etonkovidova renamed this task from [betalabs] Deleting text/section on wikitext triggers message "a user left a message on you talk page" to [betalabs] Deleting text/section on wikitext triggers message "a user left a message on your talk page".May 31 2016, 9:27 PM

I think we can use hasSection for this (to detect more straightforward cases vs. unknown edits).