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Clean up specialcreatecollaborationhub to be specifically about creating hub main pages
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We're not using specialcreatecollaborationhub for anything but hub mainpages (subpages will no longer exist).

Needs to be cleaned up to reflect this.

Event Timeline

Isarra renamed this task from More sophisticated checks in getFormFields to Clean up specialcreatecollaborationhub to be specifically about creating hub main pages.Jul 22 2016, 3:51 PM
Isarra claimed this task.
Isarra updated the task description. (Show Details)

Change 301728 had a related patch set uploaded (by Isarra):
Clean up createcollaborationhub form a bit

Change 301728 merged by jenkins-bot:
Clean up createcollaborationhub form a bit

Yeah, basically done. The rest will be done when all the stuff it's interacting with updates as well.