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In cross-wiki notification bundle, "mark as read" secondary link doesn't do anything
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The "Mark as read" secondary link, for a cross-wiki notification bundle, doesn't do anything.

Selection_001.png (235×569 px, 25 KB)

(Not to be confused with the "Mark all as read" button at the top of the flyout, which purposefully doesn't clear the cross-wiki notification bundle from the flyout, per T121931: "Mark all as read" button completely ignores cross-wiki notification group item)

Event Timeline

The same in betalabs - oo-ui-iconElement-icon oo-ui-icon-ellipsis button does not work.

Change 292602 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mooeypoo):
Listen to 'mark as read' secondary link in xwiki bundles

Change 292602 merged by jenkins-bot:
Listen to 'mark as read' secondary link in xwiki bundles

Checked the fix in betalabs - 'Mark as read' works as intended: other wikis Alerts/Messages will be marked as Read after clicking on 'Mark as read' dotdotdot menu.