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Ensure Postgres maps have proper indexes
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The index sql file is being maintained at

Comparing maps-test2001 and maps2001 showed these index differences:


Yuri added this index for the geoshape featuer T134084 - needs to be added

CREATE INDEX planet_osm_polygon_wikidata ON planet_osm_polygon USING btree (((tags -> 'wikidata'::text))) WHERE (tags ? 'wikidata'::text);

@MaxSem, is this index needed?

CREATE INDEX planet_osm_rels_idx ON planet_osm_rels USING btree (id) WHERE pending;

@MaxSem, is this index needed?

CREATE INDEX planet_osm_ways_idx ON planet_osm_ways USING btree (id) WHERE pending;


This index exists on the new servers, but it appears to be almost an exact duplicate of the other index that exists on both:

CREATE INDEX water_polygons_index ON water_polygons USING gist (way) WITH (fillfactor='100');
-- exists on both:
CREATE INDEX water_polygons_way_idx ON water_polygons USING gist (way);

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@Pnorman on IRC posted links for osm2pgsql-related DBs script and a config for it, which

allows indexes to be cleanly defined and then you can generate index statements with fillfactor set, concurrently, rebuild them, etc
the pgsql backend schema is documented at

@Pnorman commented on maps-l list:

In addition to what tilerator requires, most styles will benefit from custom partial indexes which should be specified by the style.

You want to consider the need to issue statements to

  • Create indexes with fillfactor 100 for imports that are not updated, e.g.
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS planet_osm_roads_admin
  ON planet_osm_roads USING GIST (way)
  WITH (fillfactor=100)
  WHERE boundary = 'administrative';
  • Create indexes concurrently e.g.
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY planet_osm_roads_admin
  ON planet_osm_roads USING GIST (way)
  WHERE boundary = 'administrative';
  • Reindex e.g.
REINDEX planet_osm_roads_admin;
  • Reindex concurrently e.g.
ALTER INDEX planet_osm_roads_admin RENAME TO planet_osm_roads_admin_old;
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY planet_osm_roads_admin
  ON planet_osm_roads USING GIST (way)
  WHERE boundary = 'administrative';
DROP INDEX planet_osm_roads_admin_old;

All of these are tasks which will need to be done by developers, when setting up new databases, or periodically as part of normal maintenance.

planet_osm_polygon_wikidata has been manually created (took about 3-4 minutes)

Gehel claimed this task.

All known required indexes have been created. DDL for those indexes is versionned and scripted. This issue is resolved.