To reproduce:
- Translate "Jerusalem Calling" from Hebrew to any language (I tried Ukrainian).
- Click the first paragraph that has a footnote in it.
- Publish the article.
Expected: The footnote must be translated to a <ref> tag with sensible content.
Observed: The footnote is translated to <span class="mw-ref" id="cxcite_ref-1" rel="dc:references">[[#cite_note-1|<span class="mw-reflink-text"><nowiki>[1]</nowiki></span>]]</span><span class="mw-ref" id="cxcite_ref-1" rel="dc:references"></span>. This is useless markup, which seems to be related to citations and CX, but doesn't have any of the useful reference content, and there's nothing to do with it except to delete it.
I saw similar things in dozens of published translation, but never bothered to create a proper task. Thanks to @IKhitron for this focused example. (Also, there's a chance that this was already in one of @santhosh's recent template adaptation fixes, which weren't deployed yet, but it may also be a newly-reported issue.)