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Link targets are using source language titles
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As reported at, the link targets are using the source language titles instead of target language.

Tested at , you can see links like [[Bay of Montevideo|Bahía de Montevideo]] and [[Spanish people|español]] - this is an en->es translation and should not have English as link target.

Event Timeline

santhosh triaged this task as High priority.Aug 2 2016, 9:58 AM

Change 302405 had a related patch set uploaded (by Santhosh):
Fix: Target links has source link titles

Change 302405 merged by jenkins-bot:
Fix: Target links has source link titles

Change 302413 had a related patch set uploaded (by KartikMistry):
Fix: Target links has source link titles

Change 302413 merged by jenkins-bot:
Fix: Target links has source link titles

KartikMistry claimed this task.
KartikMistry reassigned this task from KartikMistry to santhosh.
KartikMistry added a project: Essential-Work.