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Beta: Cannot access languages on main page
Closed, ResolvedPublic0.5 Estimated Story Points


Clicking the language button shows a pointer overlay that points to nothing. The button should behave as normal on the main page.

Event Timeline

bmansurov renamed this task from Cannot access languages on main page to Beta: Cannot access languages on main page.Aug 3 2016, 8:37 PM

Change 302823 had a related patch set uploaded (by Bmansurov):
Do not output the 'switch language' action on Main Page in beta

bmansurov set the point value for this task to 0.5.Aug 3 2016, 9:06 PM

@MBinder_WMF I think it's a 1/2.

Change 302823 merged by jenkins-bot:
Do not output the 'switch language' action on Main Page in beta

Change 302830 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jdlrobson):
Do not output the 'switch language' action on Main Page in beta

@MBinder_WMF 0.5 sounds right. It blocks the deployment (aka a subtask) as well. So both.

Change 302830 merged by jenkins-bot:
Do not output the 'switch language' action on Main Page in beta

Mentioned in SAL [2016-08-03T23:24:23Z] <dereckson@tin> Synchronized php-1.28.0-wmf.13/extensions/MobileFrontend/includes/skins/SkinMinervaBeta.php: Do not output the 'switch language' action on Main Page in beta (T142016) (duration: 00m 28s)

@bmansurov @Jdlrobson I guess a better question is, is this task part of an existing, already-estimated task, or is it its own task?

I don't recall seeing specification about the Main Page treatment in another task, so I think this is it's own. It's not our first time encountering a Main Page-specific button behavior issue, but it happens!

It's a new task and it's correctly estimated. I've swatted so it's out in production so no longer blocks deploy. Adam please sign off.